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After an intense rescue mission everyone on the team was beat. Except for you and Tony, you two were like balls of energy bouncing around everywhere. 

As you were getting off the quinjet Steve said, "Guys, meet back in an hour in the kitchen we've got to go over a couple of up coming things we've got to discuss as a team."

Everyone let out a chorus of grumbles, and mumbled complaints, except you. 

You excitedly ran up to to Cap, the notorious health nut and asked, "Does this mean we get Pizza?"

"I guess..." he replied.

As soon as you heard his reply you shouted, "FUCK YES!!! WE'RE GETTING PIZZA'S FOR SUPPER BITCHES!!!!" You yelled as you passed everyone and ran up to Tony.

"Y/N! Language!" Cap yelled at you.

The following curse words were removed and replaced with Bleep because of how explicit they were.

In response you whirled around and yelled back at him, "Steve I am a Grown Bleep who Bleep Bleep Bleep her own decisions so  shove that Bleep Bleep Bleep Bleep Bleep Bleep Bleep up your Bleep Bleep Bleep Grandpa!" 

You look at Steve and his face is drained of color and he stood frozen in place. It looks like he could pass out or die at any moment. 'Serves him right.' you thought to yourself. You giggled hysterically while you ran over to Tony.

"Credit Card please, I'll give it back after I order the pizzas." you ordered.

"I've got to say Y/N that even made me blush. I didn't even know that some of those words could be used together but you did so with an unparalleled art form that I've never seen before." Tony said.

Tony hesitantly handed you his credit card, "Actually give it back this time, and whatever you do stay away from shopping online. I don't want a repeat of last time."

You acted like you were offended by putting your hand mockingly on your chest and saying defensively, "I only got three new swords and a new gun, and they weren't even that much. Plus we needed them."

"You ordered a case full of Katanas made out of vibranium and meteorite off of the black market for a 5 million dollars. In what world did you think we needed that many swords?" He sassily replied.

"In my world!" you sang as you snatched the credit card from his hand and skipped away to go order the pizza's. 


Unknown to the exhausted Avengers, The one and only Wade Wilson A.K.A. Deadpool was sneaking in through the tower by scaling the side of the building. 

"He was on a mission, not to kill, maim, or decapitate some one, no he was on a mission that was fueled by hunger. Like I'm actually hungry and my microwave is broke and I need to reheat my chimichanga. An assassin has to eat somehow. I should have all dibs on the microwave because all of the pansies that live in this tower are on a fake rescue mission, that I created as Decoy so I can sneak in."  Deadpool says theatrically.

He stops in his decent and looks directly at you the reader and says, "Hey you, yeah you! The one reading this right now, don't look at me with those judging and soul piercing eyes okay. The person they're rescuing isn't in any real danger. They're only tied to a chair that's tied to dilapidated rafter, and they're dangling over an open pit of man eating Dragons. God, it's not that fucking serious."

We're'd yeah get the dragons? I was trying to write in sharks or lava. Like seriously dragons are mythological creatures. 

"I know a guy. He owes me, after his dragon ate me that one time. Have you ever been eaten by a dragon before?"

Uhhhhh.... No I can't say that I have. 

"Well it sucks and I don't recommend it."

Okay, I'm taking this back over this monologue is getting to long, this is supposed to be a short update because I don't have time.

Deadpool starts back up on his climb again.


You took a shower and made sure that you didn't smell like smoke any more. The dragons were a bit much to handle at things got a little hairy towards the end of the mission. Let's just leave it as an occasion to remember. 

You're making your way towards the kitchen where the pizza was waiting for everyone, courtesy of Tony. You finally get into the Kitchen and everyone is loading up their plates with their favorite pizza. You guys didn't get it often thanks to Steve. He was a huge health nut and wouldn't let you guys eat it after You had ate it three times a day, every day for a full month. When Steve found out he yelled at you and said that you would have a heart attack and die by the time you were 25 and he revoked your pizza privileges. Meanwhile you had yelled back at him with Pizza in your mouth saying that at least you would die happy. 

You loaded up your plate with (Insert favorite Pizza), and walked to living room and took a seat on the couch next to Nat and Clint. Once everyone was eating Steve launched into his whole spew about how you all needed to work as a team, yada, yada, no body really cares.

Beep, beep, beep. Comes from the kitchen. 

"Did anyone microwave anything?" Tony asks with a confused face.

Everyone shakes their head no, so then slowly one by one you all get up and go into the kitchen on high alert. 

Next to the Microwave is Deadpool sitting on the counter eating his reheated Chimichanga. 

He looks up and says, "You had some good points back their old man, but may I suggest..." 

He never got a chance to finish because you cut him off by saying, "What the Fuck are you doing here? How did you even get in?"

"Looks like this is my cue to leave." He says. 

He nonchalantly heads towards the window and opens it up. He quickly eats the rest of his Chimichanga and in complete Deadpool fashion he jumps out of the window and yells, "SPIDEY CATCH ME!!!"

You all race to the window to see if, Peter Parker did in fact catch him. Unfortunately he did not, and you witnessed Deadpool hitting the concrete, with a disturbing splech sound coming from him when he hit the ground. 

You then hear him yell, "WHAT THE SHIT PARKER!!!"

And that's how you guys knew that Deadpool would be just fine. 

Ahhh coming at you with a surprise update!! It's short but I hope it makes you laugh because I busted up laughing more than once writing this. Let me know if you like it by voting and/or commenting. Let me know what your favorite part was in the comments. 


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