~Chapter 2~

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My books dropped to the floor with a thud, as did my suitcase as I dropped its handle. I stared into the endless pool that were his gorgeous green eyes. I longed to ruffle my hand in his hair, to caress his cheek, to press my lips against his. But I couldn't. Alya told me he didn't deserve my attention, if he was going to treat me like he did. Its funny how many things I could remember from those 3 years ago.

He walked towards me, and I stayed in my position, mouth open, things on the floor. My heart beat began to quicken and it was so loud I swear he could hear it from meters away. He bent over and I followed him with my eyes as he picked up my stuff, and handed it to me. I stayed in my pose as still as a statue.

"Here you go Marinette."

His voice... His smooth angelic voice... It rung in my ears.

He actually spoke to me.

He abandoned me.

Why was he talking to me?

Why was he talking to me if he hated me?

But he never said he hated me.

But he must hate me because he abandoned me in my time of need!


All these questions ran through my head, as I continued staring.

"Uh... Marinette....?"

His angelic voice snapped me out of my trance.

"Uh.. S-sorry... A- Adri-" My voice choked up, and I began to tear up.

Adrien stood there with a puzzled look on his face, my stuff still in his arms.

"Marinette? Are you okay?" Atear slipped out of my eye and ran down my cheek, before dripping off of my chin.

His arm began to reach for my face, and he placed his hand under my chin, his thumb ran against my cheek, wiping away my tears. I stared into his emerald eyes, I could get lost in them forever...

"ADRIKINS!!!!!!!" Chloe screeched. I realized now that she had witnessed the whole event. She stood with her hands on her hips, and a glare thrown in my direction.

"Yes Chloe?" She snapped her gaze out of my direction, and looked at Adrien, smiling her biggest smile, and batting her eyelashes. I wanted to vomit.

"You were going to help me move my stuff into my room!" Adrien scratched the nape of his neck, and turned to me, with a half smile on his face.

"Seeya Mari!" He waved, before handing me my stuff and walking away with Chloe on his arm.

I just stood there, with my stuff in my arms, and my mouth wide open.

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