~Chapter 22~

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Marinette's POV

He was gone.

He left me.


I wiped away tears with the back of my hand, and sniffed up the snot that clogged my nose, as more tears escaped in sobs.

He didn't even last a full day, let alone a whole week. This has to be the shortest relationship in the history of relationships. 1 hour.

As soon as I admit that I love him he leaves, taking my heart with him.

I don't even know where he went.

I decide to get up and do something. I get up from my bed, the covers falling on the floor, not caring that my room is a mess, that Im a mess. I haven't done anything since that night, just stayed home, eating ice cream and watching whatever comes on TV. It was Monday today.

I check my phone. Its 11:00, too late to go to class now, I might as well stay in bed, but I cant, I need to do something.

I walk to the bathroom, and look in the mirror.

Im a mess, I look like a ghost. My already porcelain skin is now a ghostly white, my usual alive bluebell eyes, and just blue. Dead blue. My bluenette hair is tangled in a birds nest on top of my head, mascara is smudged under my eyes, I'm starting to break out from leaving my makeup on from 3 nights ago. Im gross, Im ugly, I look dead. I look exactly how I feel inside.

I decide I don't want my life to like this, moping over a boy who probably didn't even love me. I pull my clothes of and get into the shower, turning it on, and letting the warm water run on my body. I let it wash away all the grime off my body, and in my mind I think of it as washing off all the bad memories and making me happy again.

After a while I cant tell my tears from the shower water, but stay under the water as it goes from warm to cold and warm again. I wash my makeup off with a gentle cleanser, and run a bar of soap over my body. I wash my hair, combing out the knots with my fingers.

Once Im done I dry myself off with the fluffy towel that hangs on the rack, and stare in the mirror. I look nice again. No knotty hair, skin feels clean but still the odd pimple here and there, masacara no longer there, my skin looks now just porcelain white instead of ghostly white.

My eyes still look dead. If eyes are the window to the soul, then my soul is dead.

I pull some clothes and shoes on, and go to Adrien's old dorm room, to see if he left me anything. I knock, no answer. His roommate must be in class. For once.

I remember Adrien complaining about how his roommate would never go to class, and would stay asleep until 12 o'clock, and maybe go to his last lesson, if he was motivated too. I remember the look on his face as winged, and how genuinely worried he was about a person he hardly knew.

I pushed the door open, to see his roommate sprawled on the bed, eyes closed, lightly snoring. Never mind.

I poke through the drawers, looking for a clue as to where Adrien disappeared too. I could definately tell whose drawers were whose. Roommates drawers were messy, and sloppy. Adrien's were... empty.

Suddenly Roommate shot up, bloodshot eyes, dark circles, messy hair and everything.


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