~Chapter 27~

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His fathers eyes were cold and uncaring, hatred for me could clearly been seen in his facial expressions.

"I thought I told you to stay away from this slut!!" He yelled.

And thats when Adrien lost it.

"She is not a slut! She is the love of my life! She is the mother of my child! I will not let you call her that again! You hear me?!?! Never again!!!"
He shouted, pointing his finger right into his fathers face.

They stood there for a while, in silence.

"Very well" Gabriel said, quietly and agressively.
"But you shall not expect me to ever accept you or any part of your family." He snarled, before storming out aggressively, slamming the door behind him.

Adrien turned his face back to me, I could see he was trying not to cry. His face red, and his eyes glassy and filling up with tears. He let one stray tear slip down his cheek, before breaking into sobs.

I rubbed my hand on his back, comforting him, as he leant on me, still sobbing and crying.

"He'll never accept me now." He sobbed.
"Adrien, if im going to get in thee way of your relationsship with your father, I can leave." I whispered.
As much as it pained me to leave the love of my life, I couldnt get in the way of the most important relationship in a boys life. I turned away, and started grabbing my things before I was hugged from behind by Adrien.

I turned around and embraced him. "Please dont leave me" he whispered as he sobbed.

And thats how we spent the next hour.
Kissing, crying and and hugging.

Hi guys!
Im sorry for not updating sooner, and for this rubbish short chapter. Im just havibg writers block atm, and also I cant write for more than ten minutes because i get very fidgety and stuff. I guess i could save it and work on it like the next day or something, but im really lazy. I guess cos im on holidays ill just work on this book as much as i can.
Thank you for reading this chapter!
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(Until the next chapter which i PROMISE ill update tomorrow.)

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