~Chapter 17~

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My body froze, all of it, I was in shock.

He was thinking about me?

I mean he could've been thinking about what a crazy psycho biotch I am.

But maybe he still loved me?

I could only ask. I took a huge deep breath, and went for it.

"What do you mean...?"

He looked down and fidgeted with his hands nervously.

"I... I... I like you. Im really sorry for what I did for you, and I know it was never meant to happen. I didn't want to hurt you. I really just want us to be friends again, and id like us to be more but you seem to be in love. So ill just go now..."

I panicked. My stomach was in knots, my hands were shaking, my brain was telling me no, but my heart was saying yes.

I kissed him.

As he turned around I grabbed his wrist and pulled him over me, his hands on either side of me, holding himself up. I placed my lips on his, and for a while we stayed like that, lips on lips, eyes wide open in shock.

But slowly, we got used to it. We closed our eyes, and my arms snaked around his neck, pulling me up so I was sitting up in bed. We deepened the kiss, and it was like I was having my first kiss all over again. Except we weren't drunk.

I loved Adrien. I realized that as we kissed, ignoring the footsteps coming up the stairs, ignoring his voice saying "Ill see you later" and then the sound of the phone hanging up, ignoring the sound of the door handle rattling  as it was twisted open. We ignore everything until it was too late.

"Get off my girlfriend you bastard!" Was  the noise that made us realize what was going on, it made Adrien scramble to his feet and rush out the door, scared out of his wits.

Anthony walked over to me, fuming. Smoke was practically steaming out of his ears.

He lifted his hand and I watched it fall as it collided with my cheek, the skin now red and stinging. "How dare you cheat on me you bitch!"

I lifted my hand to my cheek, and held it there as it stung, my mouth wide open.

"Oh wait, so your allowed to cheat on me but im not allowed to cheat on you?"

He went silent, his face slowly reddening. "When did I ever cheat on you?" He said so quietly it was basically a whisper.

"Don't play dumb with me! That girl with you when you went into the closet!" I raised my voice, almost shouting, crossing my arms over my chest.

"We're really bringing this up now?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes Im bringing this up now. In fact I'm... I'm braking up with you."

My heart pounded as I waited for his reaction.

His eyes teared up and he swallowed making a gulp noise.

"You cant break up with me?!?!?" He whispered, a tear trailing down his face.

"I have realized that this is a toxic relationship. I don't really love you. I have realized that that now. I loved who you looked like. Im sorry Anthony I just cant anymore." I said getting out of bed not caring that I was wearing practically nothing.

I walked towards him cornering him towards the door. Soon he was out on the hallway, and crying.

"Baby please, I love you, baby..." He pleaded before I interrupted him.

"I am NOT your baby." I whispered as I slammed the door.


My phone chimed a million times that afternoon, as I sat on the couch in front of the TV. I knew who they were from, and I didn't care.

My phone began to ring, and I checked the caller ID for the millionth time that evening. But it wasn't who I expected.


My heart began to race faster, as I picked up the phone.


"Hi Mari! Its Adrien! I was wondering if you'd like to come to the restaurant across the road for dinner with Chloe and I?"

Of course the queen of mean was going to be there.


"Yeah actually she suggested you come along."
Chloe suggested I come along...?

"O-ok..? I guess I will c-come"
I stuttered. I cursed under my breath. I was becoming my bumbling stuttering old self.

"Okay! Meet us there at 6:00pm!"
And then he hung up.

I scrolled through the messages Anthony left me, and my heart clenched with anger.

I left a message before I started to get ready for dinner.

You can grab your stuff at 6:15pm but you better be gone by 7.

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