Chapter 4

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*Logan's point of view*

The interview started and the questions started with it ofcourse.

''Lexi, I heard you dated Cameron Boyce when you two was younger, is it true?'' The interviewer smiled warmly at her. When the quiestion was asked Lexi took my hand and hold it.

''It is true'' Lexi tried to smile, I could see tears in the corner of her eyes, so I started to rub my thumb on her hand.

''Both of you, is it true that Cameron was the reason you two are here togheter?'' The interviewer looked at both of us.

''Yes that's true'' I said so Lexi didn't have to.

''Okey, we heard you two are engaged'' The interviewer smiled again. ''That is also true, right?''

''Yes that is true'' Lexi smiled big.

''Ooh, can I see the ring?'' The interviewer looked really into it.

''Yeah'' Lexi showed her left hand and the interviewer grabbed her hand.

''Wow, the ring is really beautiful, so what have you thought about the wedding?'' The interviewer smiled.

''We haven't thought about it that much'' I said and smiled. Lexi looked at the crowd behind the camera and looked at were she was looking. Then I saw it, Cameron sat there in the crowd with a grin. Lexi squeezed my hand and she looked at me and then to the interviewer.

''Okey but I also heard you two are in a new movie soon, what is it about?'' The interviewer smiled big.

''I don't think we can tell you anything about it'' I smiled at the interviewer and then to the crowd. Then the interviewer asked us more question but the last thing was the thing I thought about the most.

''Ooh, before we finish can I say that you fit perfect togheter, and can we finish with you two kissing?'' The interviewer smirked at us. I looked behind the scene and our producer nodded slowly, he also did the thumb up.

''Sure'' I smiled at the interviewer. Lexi looked really confused and I leaned in to kiss her. She smirked and leaned in to, I took her face in my hands and kissed her passionated. The whole crowd started to applaud and whistle. We stopped the kiss and looked to the cameras.

''And that my friend is Logan Lerman and soon Lexi Lerman'' The interviewer said with a smile and with that we was told to walk behind the scene again.

''That was amazing babe'' Lexi hugged me and I hugged her back. My mom came up to us with a big smile.

''You two was awesome'' She hugged me and then Lexi, when they stopped she whispered something in Lexi's ear and Lexi nodded.

''What did you say to her?'' I looked really confused at the both of them.

''I just told her she is happy to have you'' Mom smiled at me and then she disappeared. Lexi came up to me and kissed me.

''C'mon love we can go home'' Lexi smiled at me and led me through the studio. When we could see the exit a brown haired boy cut our path. ''No not you not now, leave us alone''

Lexi stood on my side and pressed her in my side. I quickly pushed us past him and walked faster to the exit. Lexi sighed with relief when we got out from the studio. A black car stood there waiting for us. We jumped into the car and the driver started the car. After ten minutes the driver stopped the car and we got out. A couple of minutes later we was home in the penthouse.

''OMG I SAW YOU ON THE TV! YOU TWO LOOKED PERFECT AS ALWAYS!'' Elice came up to us and hugged Lexi then she whispered something in Lexi's ear, then she hugged me.

''Why is everybody whispering to you?'' I looked at them and they smirked at me.

''Logan Lerman and Lexi Payne in this new interview, talking about Cameron Boyce, the engagement and kissing in this video''

I looked at the tv and a picture of me and Lexi kissing was on the tv screen.

"Wow we look amazing" Lexi said tearful. After it they showed the interview. We collapsed onto the sofa and watched it. Then I knew it would come on, the scene when Lexi looked into the crowd and spotted Cameron, so the camera followed her eyes to were she was looking and they filmed the crowd. Then fast they filmed on us. Lexi moved a little bit closer to me and leaned her head on my shoulder. So I laid my arm around her shoulder. Then the interview stopped.

"Can't we watch a movie?" Lexi looked at Elice and then at me. Both me and Elice nodded. "But wich?"

"I know" Elice smirked at Lexi.

"Yes that movie it's in my underwear box go and get it" Lexi said to her and Elice disappeared, they have the weird conection so they can speak to eachother in every way.

"Why do you have the movie in your underwear box? And what movie is it?" I looked suspicious at her and all she did was to smile. Elice suddenly came out from I think was me and Lexi's room, she hid the dvd from me and put it into the tv. She did so the tv just jumped to the start of the movie, then she sat down on the couch again.

"Wait oh no c'mon" I said and looked at them. They just smirked at me.

"You know what? This was the movie she saw you in for the first time" Elice said and pointed at Lexi. "I filmed it, here somewhere in my phone"

"You did what?" Lexi stopped the movie and looked at Elice's phone.

"Found it" Elice said proudly and pressed the play button.

''WAIT LOOK AT HIIIIM'' A small Lexi squeled and paused the movie.

''Yes, Lexi I'm looking at him'' Elice said calmly.

''Damn those eyes, look at his pink lips'' Lexi squeled again.

''You have an boyfriend, Lexi'' Elice said.

''I know but momma likes the view'' Lexi smirked at Elice and started the movie again. Suddenly the door opens and Cameron walks proudly in.

''Hey gurls, what have I told you? Don't speak about me when I'm not there'' Cameron looked really proud over himself.''

I laughed at her and we continued the movie. Lexi laid down again on my shoulder.

"Why do you have this movie?" I looked at them and I could feel that I started to blush.

"Aw you're blushing" Lexi smirked at me. ''But can we continue to watch the movie, please babe?"

"Sure then you tell me why you have this and why it is in your underwear box" I looked at her and then looked at the tv, it was odd to see the little me. Lexi and Elice laughed sometimes togheter but I just sat there remebering everything. When the scene were I was in some uncomfortable underwear and showing this Lucy them, the girls started to applaud and whistle.

"Very sexy, Logan" Lexi smirked at me and laughed.

"Yeah I know" I looked at Lexi and smiled.

"You were already there, breaking the rules" She whispered in my ear. The chills went down my spine as I could feel her hot breath on my ear.

"Hey guys do you remeber the movie?" Elice said with a smirk.

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