Chapter Fourteen

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The day I'd been dreading for as long as I could remember since being dragged to this godforsaken place was finally here. The Reaping. I dressed slowly that morning, pulling on my black lace dress, savoring the feeling of the soft material. As much as I loathed dresses, it was beautiful, and it did make me look good.

They provided each girl with a dress and each boy with either a button up shirt. Trying to make us look nice before deciding who would get to die. Each district had a different assigned colour of dress, and since my most recent affiliation had been with twelve, the colour was black. We all looked as if we were attending a funeral. How appropriate. Carrie was in a forest green lace dress, the exact same style, but a different colour. Running her hands over the lace she whispered something and shook her head before flipping her hair over her shoulder and running her hands through the gold curls. My sister. I couldn't bear to watch her so I turned away, busying myself with straightening out the bedclothes adorning the stiff mattress.

"Anna are you scared?" Carrie asked quietly, breaking the uneasy silence that always accompanied the Reaping Day.

"I shouldn't be, should I? I'm a pro at this. You all are the rookies," I muttered dryly, balling my fists in the sheets.

"It's okay if you are sis.. Just.. How bad is it?.. Honestly?... Please don't leave anything out, just in case I have to go in.." she whispered placing her hand on my forearm.

"I.." taking a shaking breath I let my hair drop over my shoulder, bangs falling in front of my face. "I don't want to go back C.. It's horrible... I lost my best friend in those damn games and I.. Carrie I should've saved him. He sacrificed himself for me and I just stood there and watched as he was killed. I held him as his life drained out. Nothing can ever prepare you for anything that goes on in the arena. You have to think, use your head. If you can't fight, think your way out of it. That's how I won. Brains not brawn, right?.. Um.. allies are a good idea but you'll have to kill them or they'll kill you or they'll get killed by someone else. No matter what everyone will die but one. And you'll be hoping to god that you're the one that gets out. But maybe not.. I'm surprised nobody's.. that's too morbid.. wait, it's really not considering we're discussing how we're supposed to try to draw our lives out just a little bit longer all for what? To be killed for entertainment in front of the country, by citizens of the same country? And now by our friends?.." by the end, silent tears fell from my cheeks onto the floor and my shoulders shook slightly. "Are there volunteers? Are you able to?"

She answered a while later. "Yes, but they have the same godly parent as the originally chosen tribute.."

"So district doesn't matter?"


"Oh, and they go in reverse order of the districts, so twelve, then eleven, then ten, etc." she

told me, biting her lip. I could hear the tension in her voice.

"Promise me that you won't volunteer for me if I get reaped." I immediately blurt. "Carrie I can't lose you.. I couldn't live with the fact that you'd be potentially dying for me.."


"Promise. Me." I said sternly, my knuckles turning white from gripping the cotton sheets so tightly. I couldn't let this go.

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