Chapter Sixteen

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My eyes fluttered opened yet I stayed still, refusing to accept that I was actually awake. If I was awake, I'd have to get up. If I got up, I'd have to go out of my room and find my uniform. If I found my uniform, that'd just hit home the fact that I would have to put it on, go to training, and be sent into an arena, and only one of us would win. And just to add to the drama? Percy and Carrie were both going in with me. 

I let out a small puff of air and closed my eyes again. How in the world is this reality. Why is this happning to me again?.. I can't have another Ryan incident..

"Hey!" Nate nearly shouted. "Sleeping Beauty awakens!" He grinned at me but it was obviously forced, the happiness not reaching his eyes. 

"Rise and shine, the world says hello!" Carrie piped in with fake enthusiam. 

I graned and rolled over, pulling the blankets up over my head, cocooning myself in warmpth. Savor it, remember it. because you won't get to feel a warm fluffy bed for a long time, maybe not ever again after the next week.

Nate crawled into my bed and layed up against my back, snuggling in.

"What the hell are you doing?" I mumbled irritably. 

"Just hanging out with my favourite sister."

"Well hang out time is over,"I replied turning back over to face him, trying to shove him off my bed. "Let me enjoy my own bed because only the gods know if I'll ever feel it again after this training week."

"Hey now, no morbidity." Carrie said disapprovingly, also crawling into my bed. I guess my bed is now the room hang out spot. Awesome.

"Is morbidity even a word Carrie?" Nate and I asked at the same time, causing us both to laugh.

"Does it seem like I really care?" she asked sticking out her tongue. "Now come on, lets go get these stupid uniforms."

"Fiiine," I muttered, "But you know Nate that means that you have to get out of my bed."

He frowned and rolled out and I followed him. Carrie had already opened the door and picked up the two uniforms laying folded on the floor. They were nearly identical to the one I had worn in my first games. Black pants and a black zip up shirt. The district crest on the left sleeve and the only difference was the symbol of your goldly parent was on the right sleeve. 

"I guess we should get dressed and head out," I sighed taking one of the uniforms from her. 

I tugged on the uniform, the feel of the fabric bringing back memories. I shook my head trying to clear my mind.

"You okay Anna?" Nate asked concerned.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." 

"Hey we should probably get going.." Carrie said, putting her hand on my shoulder. I nodded and we left our room. my hands were shaking horridly so to hide it I pulled my hair back into a French braid then undid it and put it into a ponytail. 

We were some of the last people coming into the training center. It nearly exactly mimicked the one from the regular games. Dr. Carter stood in front of all the demigods.

"Welcome to the first day of training before the Games! This will be a five day training period where you will show your skills to the other tributes and try to make yourself look the best that you can, all while learning necessary skills for survival in the arena. There is a sword fighting area and a knife throwing and bow and arrow range. Fire making, camouflage and trap making. Climbing courses, rope making and fishing hook and rod construction. There are throwing weights and javelins, cargo nets and monkey bars. Rock climbing walls and rope swings. There will be instructors around to help if you should have any questions or want to specifically wok on a skill. With that, let's begin."

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