Twelfth Day of Christmas: 2016 (Alternate Post-Lotus Timeline)

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"Did you remember to put up the decorations?"


"Did you remember to set the table?"

"Yes, I did."

"Did you remember the crackers?"

"Yes. De-"

"Did you remember to put up the tree? Did you put the presents under the tree?"

"Ofcourse. Dean, I-"

"Did you remember to decorate the tree?"


"You forgot to decorate the tree, didn't you?"

"No, I didn't forget, Dean. The night only has so many hours. I can't achieve everything in such an insignificant time frame. I just ran out of time, that's all."

"You forgot."

"....I forgot."

Laughter sprung from Dean's lips.
"That's alright, Cas, it's not that big a deal. We can do that before everyone gets here."

Castiel nodded, smiling slightly, obviously happy his mistake wasn't deflating Dean's happy mood. It was such a rare thing, and the angel didn't want to ruin it.

"So, apart from that, everything else is in place?" Dean asked, walking past Cas into the war room to scout out the area. The tables in the library were pushed together, a white tablecloth covering them. Plates awaited food, a napkin swan on each. Beside the cutlery, that lay to the right of each plate, a cracker lay dormant. Beyond the table, Dean could see tinsel and paper chains hanging on the walls. Wreaths were placed on each column, the greens contrasting the white. A tree, mighty and tall, was placed in at the steps of the Observatory, empty of any decoration, though presents could be seen underneath.

"Wow, great job buddy. Though, gotta ask: where'd you get the napkin swans?"

The angel looked chuffed when he spoke.
"I made them."

Dean furrowed his eyebrows, a smirk pulling at his mouth.
"You made....napkins swans. Since when could you do that?"

"Since last night. I watched a tutorial on YouTube."

Dean bent over in laughter as Castiel watched in confusion. Dean wiped at his eyes once his laughing fit had ended.
"I'm sorry, man, but that's hilarious. An angel watching YouTube. I can just see it," Dean donned a dramatic voice as he continued," 'User Castiel commented: Hello God of Napkins. I am an Angel of the Lord, one of the most powerful and allknowing creatures of the universe. I am older than the Earth itself, and know more than you can possibly imagine. Could you maybe teach me how to make napkin angels? That would be quite swell. Sincerely, actual angel Castiel.'"

Castiel looked vaguely annoyed at Dean's dramatics.
"I don't know everything Dean, and I've never said otherwise."

Dean chuckled.
"You lack of pop culture knowledge pretty much proved that from the get go. Anyway, the napkin swans are a nice touch."

The almost smile returned to Castiel's face. Dean turned his green eyes to the front door.
"Is Sam back yet?"

"He should return in 20 minutes."

"Great. He better get a good turkey."

As Cas had said, 20 minutes later, the roar of the Impala could be heard. The Winchester's and their angel carried the bags of food back inside. They took them to the kitchen placing the bags down on the small table, unpacking as they went. It was good amount of food, with various meats, vegetables and drinks. They had planned who would do what: Dean would cook, Sam would make the salads and Cas would make the beverages.

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