Plan Part 1

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                                                                             11 years old (y/n)'s POV

It has been a few years since we moved here (and being Harry's Neighbor and he still doesn't know about our coven) and to say the least the others aren't Drama Queens anymore. But our powers are still awakening like the one time Ellen woke another ability it was a 'yay' moment for a while but later in the morning they found that the people who live across from us were in a coma. So we found out that she used Ambulans Somnia (Dream Walking). But Lucy made medician for them to wake up, but they moved out so the house currently being sold. And I woke up two more abilities: Levitation and Mind Control. Also our suprime is getting ill by the second, Lucy have tried all kinds of medicines, spells, and even chants but no avail, so the idea of finding another elder to lead our coven is difficult.

We have been looking around town for a bit when Lucy calls us to the house again. So here we are speed walking home when we see familiar pair of body guards standing post at our rusty gates entrance. The Wicca Council group, they are in charge for justice for a witch's judgment for their punishment. They are very strict on our ancestor law and if anyone dare to stick their head out of line that's when the council comes in a chop the head of and the body will die.  Whatever happened here must really be bad if they are here.

"They must be here for the supreme." Mala mumbled under her breath in disbelief with a hint of sadness. The look of grief was everyone face now since if they are then they are here to replace the Supreme to another until someone in our coven takes the rightful title to call themselves: Supreme.

We all rushed inside to see the Wicca Council in the dinning room table. There sat two elder looking women along with elder men in a group. They all sat on the left side of the table in a girl to boy fashion. The first to notice us is the lady with snow white hair that is smooth looking unlike the women beside her-she has black, grey frizzy hair-they both have a healthy peach skin tone. Their attire are vantage of black suits and dresses, warning sign going off. Lucy then motioned for us to sit on the same side as her. We did as we are asked for and sat down on the right side of the table.  It's obvious to say that they are judging us as we were doing with them.

"As you know of Supreme Alice is terribly ill. Because of that it leaves us to decide that Supreme Alice will no longer be your Supreme."  The brunet declared

I looked shocked at the councilors-though I'm sure I'm not the only one shocked-at the councilor's diction. Then Lisa banged her hands on the table startling everyone.   

"Who is going to our Supreme? You can't move her like that!" She yelled at them, everyone looked down including me. When the council decides it, it is final.

"Yes, we can move her if we like to. In this case she is ill. To weak to run the coven." Said the raven hair women

"In simpler teems: She's unfit to continue her duties." This time the snow white hair lady said in a strict tone.

Nobody dared to speak back in fear of them lashing out. 

"Lisa! Sit down." Lucy demanded

Her fist trembled, she lets out a shaky breath and reluctantly sat down. 

The two ladies nod their heads, then turns towards us. 

"Since your coven is weakened that leaves your coven open for any hunter to attack." The elderly man finally spoke, which was rather endearing than the two ladies.

I look over to Lucy to see her stoic face. 'She really can't be fine with this, can she?' I thought but Mala snapped me out of thought.

"That's not only reason why your here." Mala claimed. 

To this the council merely nod.

"We have a proposal-" The snow white hair lady said dejected. "We found some unwanted visitors ."

We all look at each other in confusion. 

"We may believe this may turn into a threat in the near future." The man concluded.

"What makes you say that, Rada." Lucy finally spoke

"We have reports coming in, each of them kept repeating they have been found." 

"So?" Katie interjected rather rudely

"They seem to sense our magic somehow."

"We'll take it." Lucy abruptly agreed 

The council nod their heads, meanwhile we all stare at her like she grew two heads. They got up and put away some paper scattered on the table and the man named Rada put down a folder that looks to be an inch thick.

"Study up girls.~" Rala sang smirking while walking out the door with the two unknown women.

It was silent til we all sigh in relief as our shoulders deflate the stress a while ago disappears.

"Well we're screwed." Zula said 

We all grumble in agreement.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2018 ⏰

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