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"So that's it?" Giovanna says, she stands at the doorway of the bedroom, her head leaning against the door.

I put tape over the last of the boxes as I stood and looked in her direction,"Yea."

"Your throwing away all the years we've been together, For Mila? She's a prositute." She shouts at me.

"You don't call her that. Watch your fucking mouth Giovanna." I say, hands on my hips.

"Why Monte? That's what she is, what kind of a past does she have that makes you up and leave me. What kind of history do you guys have, your supposed to love me." She cried.

"You wouldnt understand." I say, picking up a box and placing it on the outside of the apartment.

"What wouldn't I understand baby?"Giovanna says, cornering me placing her hands on my face she softly presses her lips on mine. "Talk to me Monte."

I grabbed her wrists and placed them at her sides," I owe her." I whispered.

"What could you possibly owe a prostitute? She's a whore Monte."

"Isnt that what you were?" I questioned,"You lied to me Giovanna all these years."

"But I got out. I changed my life, I got you we were good baby."

"You were in this for the money, for the fame. You never loved me Giovanna. The only time you smiled at me was when I took you shopping, put  money in your bank account, took you out of the country. You never loved me, and maybe I was so stupid to let this go on for so long. I was content with a trophy wife. But now? After sleeping with Mila, it brought back these feelings that were hidden for so long.  We're done Giovanna, I'm sorry. Go on with your life, be happy."

"Thats not true." She screamed tears pouring down her face.

"Have a great life Giovanna." I kissed her forehead and walked out the door closing it shut. I exhaled and looked up at the sky once I made it outside.

You ever been with someone for so long, and you dont even have to love them. Your just with them because your just content, your comfortable in the place that you guys are in. But then all it takes is that one person to come in your life and just turn everything upside down and show you what you've been missing out on. That theres more to life than what your used too.

Thats the thing with life, life always finds a way to throw you curveballs.

My phone started to buzz quickly I took it out of my pocket and looked at the screen I had a missed call from Mila, and a voicemail.

"Hey Monte sucks you didn't answer the phone. I'm guessing your still busy packing but, me and Jack are on our way to Houston.  I'm finally going to see my mother  and who knows? Jack quit his job, and I don't know we've thinking about skipping town. Get away from everything, and I went to my doctors appointment I am two months pregnant. I was thinking about getting a blood test done, my doctor will be in contact with you. Just incase you had any worries about if the baby is yours or not. Your more than welcome to come to Houston to see me one last time. I think we're doing this, we're moving away. Hope to see you. Bye."

I looked at my cell phone screen and sighed. "Guess I'm going to Houston."

How'd you guys like this chapter? I'm making this book into a shorty story because, I get writers block too many times trying to figure out what's going to happen next. So I'm sorry for the slow updates. until next time xoxo,

~ Ayanna Messiah

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