chapter 5

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So, that's what masturbation is all about! What took me so long to try this? She giggled as she headed to her bathroom.

She stayed home all day obsessing about the evening ahead of her. Where would they go? What should she wear? When was he coming over? What do they talk about? Dont make a fool of yourself!

She couldn't leave in case he came by. Knots began to form in her stomach. She obsessed until she made herself sick. Then she decided she should eat a little bit since she had forgotten to all day.

«Dude, you don't have anybody to screw tonight, man!»

What the hell? The voice came from the hall just beyond her front door. She ran over and peered through the peep hole. There stood Brent and his friend, the tall lanky guy, talking in the hall.

«You've gotten laid every Saturday night since like, February or some shit.»

Oh my god, that wasn't a porno, it was him!

«Dude, shut up. I had to break up with her. Im tired of just seeing her on the weekend. Its bull shit. Not worth it.»

«No pussy tonight, bro,» Clay said.

«You don't know that, dude.»

«You going to the club after your little fling with that weird girl?»

«I might and so what if she's weird? I think she's cute.»

«Bro, seriously?»

«Yeah, seriously. She is cute. Anyway, don't worry about my dick. When the hells the last time you got laid?»

«Im waiting for the attractive ones, man,» he teased, laughing proudly at his low blow.

«Dude, man, shed fucking cute as hell. And maybe she has a brain. And I didn't ever say Id fuck her anyway,» Brent exclaimed.

«She is fatter than Danica, man,» the tall guy said.

«Clay, the fucking skeleton in Ms. Hendsley's bio class was fatter than Danica,» Brent scoffed.

So, Im cute and fat? Im cute?! Im fat?! She wasn't sure if she should be happy or devastated hearing this.

«Aren't you going to go talk to her?»


«No, the weirdo.»

«Yeah, in a few minutes.»

«Where you gonna take her?»

«Hell, I hadn't really thought about it since I woke up; the second time.»

«Dude, when she opened the door, I almost told her she had the wrong apartment,» he said laughing.

«Clay, man.»

«She wasn't even wearing make-up.»

«And? Maybe shes confident enough that she doesn't think she has to.»

«She should look into it, that's all Im saying.»

«Girls don't have to look like a $5 hooker to be pretty, dude.»

«I like hookers,» Clay joked.

«Yeah, just like your dad liked your mom,» Brent added cleverly.

«You suck!» Clay exclaimed.

«Just nipples and clits, dude,» Brent retorted making Chelsea smile.

«Whatever. I think you're phones ringing.»

Twenty minutes later a knock came on her door. It was Brent. She opened the door enough to stick her head out. (He could see her «cute» face but not her «fat» body.)


«Hey, Chelsea, there's kinda been a change of plans for tonight. I was wanting to take you to get some Chinese or but my dad called and wanted me to meet him for dinner tonight at 7:30 at Juliards.»

Figures. I obsessed and made myself sick for nothing, she thought. Juliards is a really expensive place, no wonder he chose to go with his dad.

«So, you have a dress you can wear, right?»

«Whats that?» she asked with two raised eyebrows.

«Its a really nice joint. The ladies usually wear a dress,» he explained. «I can get him to cancel if you don't, and well just go somewhere a bit more chill.»

«No, I've got something. That's fine, yeah.»

«Okay, good. Well, Ill pick you up at 7 then.»

«Okay,» she stammered. «Okay.» Its all she could say.



She had three hours until 7. What was she thinking? She didn't have a dress! Chelsea ran to get her purse and darted out the door. She was headed for the mall.

Her favorite store had a little black sweetheart topped dress with a ruffly bottom on sale in her size. Perfect. It hit her just above the knee and it wasn't too dressy. She was however worried about it not having any straps.

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