getting intimate

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«Brent, stop,» she said softly, nearly shaking with nervousness; her stomach filled with butterflies.

«Do you want to kiss me?» he asked.

«Oh, what about your rule about not kissing on the first date?»

«I said I had a rule about kissing on the first date. I didn't say what that rule was.» She looked confused. «My rule is that I have to kiss the girl if we had a good time. But I have to...» He leaned close to her, inches from her face and stopped, "...ask for permission." Her breath quickened. «Well?» he whispered.

Chelsea was quickly becoming overwhelmed. Her mind starting to become numb, she closed her eyes and exhaled letting out a tiny whimper. That was all the response he needed. Brent wet his lips and moved in. He was pleasantly surprised at how welcoming her mouth was. His tongue moved past her soft lips with ease and they kissed for several moments. He could tell she was holding back, so he broke the kiss gently.

«Why are you so shy?» he asked planting tender kisses on her right cheek.

She sighed heavily, her mind still racing. «Relax,» he whispered. «You taste so sweet. Kiss me back, baby.»

Brent slid his right hand across her face and guided her lips to meet his. The combination of his words and touches sent her reeling. She wanted to kiss him. She loved kissing him. He was so gentle and loving. With her new found inspiration she kissed him back-hard. She felt his other hand cradle the back of her head as the kiss got more heated. His right hand slid down her neck and to her shoulder. He began to caress the skin above her neckline of her sweetheart top. Gently grazing the tops of her breasts to her neck and back again.

«I've been wanting to kiss you since you woke me up this morning,» he said smiling, «when I saw you staring at my chest.»

She didn't know he had noticed.

«And ever since I zipped up your dress, I've wanted to unzip it and do this.» With a quick fluid motion his hand that had been wandering sunk into the top of her dress, pushing it down and groped her left breast. Chelsea jerked herself backwards but he kept his grip, keeping himself close to her, trying to keep her calm.

«Shhh. You wanted me to.»

«Please, stop,» she whined.

«Chelsea, you want this. Listen to your body. It wants to be touched,» he whispered.

«No,» she replied only half as assertively as she had planned.

«Shhh. It feels good, doesn't it, Chelsea?» He denied her the opportunity to reply and kissed her mouth deeply. He skillfully kneaded and massaged her breast with his patient hand; gently rolling her now stiff nipple between his fingers. It took her a moment to kiss him back but she felt the heat stirring up inside of her more intensely now.

As if waiting for approval, when she began kissing him back, his left hand slowly found her zipper and began pulling it down.

«What are you doing?» she asked moderately alarmed.

«What you want me to do,» he teased as he nibbled on her ear sending chills down her spine.

«I never told you that.»

«Oh, yes you did.» Finally the zipper reached the bottom and he slipped the dress down to her waist.

Shamefully, she covered up with her arms, «Dont look,» she whimpered.

«Why not?» He tried not to laugh at how silly she was being. «Seeing is half the fun.»

Chelsea just looked away ashamed. «I don't like it,» she whispered.

«What, your body?» he asked. «Are you kidding me? Well, its a good thing I do.» He placed his hand on her cheek and moved her face to look at him. «Come on. I want to see.» He passed his fingers through her hair. «Open up to me, Chelsea. Relax. Let me see.» He put his hands on her crossed arms coaxing her to reveal herself to him. Eventually she gave in and let her arms fall to her side revealing her ample breasts. She studied his face and reaction intently. He caressed her with his eyes and then with his hands, encircling her globes causing her to close her eyes and bite her bottom lip. He had no idea how sensitive her breasts were. This was heaven.

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