talking to brent

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She slid her hand up her shirt and under her bra. Chelsea loved tweaking and teasing her nipples which were now rock hard. That was her masturbation. She didn't understand enough about her own sex organ but she did know that she loved her C cups.

The clock read 11:20 P.M. She had to work at the seed store at 8 on Fridays and decided shed better get some rest. As the darkness overcame her, thoughts of Brent flickered through her mind.


«Chelsea, stop squirming.» His voice was harsher than she thought it should be considering the circumstances.

«But it hurts!» she exclaimed as she tried to push him away.

Chelsea lay on her back, buck-naked, pleading with Brent who was pushing his hardness into her as his body lay on top of hers. He was too strong and held her down.

«Dont you want me to teach you anything?» he said sharply. «I thought you were ready to loose your virginity, Chelsea.»

«I am. I love you, Brent.»

«Love?» Brent laughed as he drew away from her. Now he was fully dressed and she heard voices. Female. Laughter. She looked around. She was laying on her back on a bench in the vandalized cheerleader locker room. The entire squad pointed and laughed making jokes.

«But she loves you, Brent!» one of them shouted.

Shes so wet she is dripping on the floor. Gross!"


What a pleasant sound, her alarm. Seven oclock had never been so welcomed into her bedroom. Why had she dreamt those terrible things? She had no desire for Brent Hawkins to be the one to deflower her. Well, maybe not no desire. It didnt matter. She needed to get him off her mind fast. Why had he become such a presence in her mind now? She didnt care at all in high school. She had never given him a second thought before they talked. Ah, that was it, she knew. They had talked. Now she actually has made contact. And enjoyed it. Enjoyed him. Maybe he wasnt so bad after all. Yeah, she could see herself with him.

What? Come on! Stop it, Chelsea. Get a grip, Brent would never be interested. Youre not into sports, makeup, or sleeping around.

Chelsea never thought herself to be beautiful. She was cute for sure, even without the war paint as she called it. Healthy build and average height. She liked having meat on her bones. The sight of ribs on a girl made her nauseous. And knowing that that fits into modern societys definition of beauty only pissed her off. Yeah, thats why she vandalized the locker room.

Locking the door behind her, she turned, astonished and embarrassed at the sight of Brent standing feet from her. His cute curly blond hair wet. Sweat pouring from his brow and cascading down either side of his shirt. He stood there breathing heavily and heavenly. She couldnt help but pass her eyes over his firm body.

«Hey,» he said as he panted with his hands clenching his hips.

«What are you doing?» She didnt know what else to say. She was still alarmed.

«Morning run. Feels great,» he managed to get out between his heavy pants. «You should try it.»

Her brow furrowed and her jaw dropped in disgust at the way he had insulted her. Im right! He is an asshole!

«Whoa, girl. I mean, you should run sometime. Its good for your heart, helps you clear your mind,» he stated trying to ease the tension.

How embarrassing. Surely she was blushing now.

«Oh, sorry. Of course thats what you meant. But I dont know. Its kind of boring to me,» she said trying to regain some sort of composure in the conversation.

«Wouldnt be boring if I was there. Or is that what would make it so boring?» He chuckled.

«Oh, no! No, I didnt mean, I mean, I didnt know you were talking about...»

«I usually leave at around 7. Anytime you want to join me, youre welcome to.

Are you kidding me? „Alright, thanks. Sounds good.“

Brent walked past her without saying another word and slipped the key into his door unlocking it.

»Oh, and if I dont see you tomorrow, happy birthday."

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