Chapter 13: Involunteers

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Johns POV
"Here he comes!" Mulligan interrupted us loudly, pointing to the door, where Mister Washington had entered.

"'Sup losers," he greeted us all simply, making his way to the center of the classroom.

Jefferson, with a last scoff, returned to his seat, reluctantly taking his narrowed eyes off of me.

(A/N: So in this classroom imagine there are two big rings of desks surrounding the center of the classroom. They are sitting in the innermost circle, right in front)

"Is that Professor Washington?" Alex whispered to me, and I nodded.

Suddenly, he jumped from his chair and rushed to the center to talk to Washington, who was currently organizing some papers.

"Alex, what are you-" I got up to follow him, against my better judgement.

"Mr. Washington," he stood at attention before the aging professor, "I'm Alex Hamilton, sir; I'm a new junior and I'm here to join."

Mr. Washington raised an questioning eyebrow, most likely surprised by Alex's forwardness, and I watched on, intrigued, standing behind Alex like a kid standing behind his mom while she talks to friends.

The professor smiled, and shook Alex's hand. "It's a pleasure to have you here," he replied earnestly, and Alex smiled, "How exactly did you come upon the debate club? We don't often get new members."

Alex turned slightly to look back at me, and then to Mr. Washington. "Laurens introduced me to the idea," he said proudly.

John, I reminded him mentally, but to no avail. "Laurens... John Laurens?" Washington repeated to himself slowly, looking me up and down, and I ducked a bit farther behind Alex, resting a light hand on his shoulder.

"That's me, sir," I said, "I was in the club last year. And the year before that."

"Ah! John Laurens!" Mr. Washington said, perhaps finally remembering my name, "I saw your face in here last year, that's right; if I remember correctly, you never endeavored to face an opponent, Mr. Laurens."

Alex turned around completely to stare at me blankly, and I felt my face heat up a bit under his gaze. "You never actually debated with anyone?" He asked me, and I shook my head reluctantly, wishing I could duck down out of sight.

"I've read some of your pieces," the professor continued, "Very persuasive. You have talent; I'd like to see you take more initiative this year, John."

As Washington turned away, Alex grabbed my arm and led us back to our seats, still grinning broadly. "I can't believe you did that," I muttered, but couldn't help but smile at this boy's audacity.

"Good afternoon students!" Mister Washington began the meeting loudly, "And welcome back to debate club. I'd like to welcome all of our new freshman, and specifically our new junior: Alex Hamilton."

There was polite applause from everyone but Jefferson, who I was surprised to see was staring at Alex with an air of both anger and uncertainty; he noticed me noticing him, and returned his eyes to his desk.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Our last order of business," Washington was explaining about an hour later, "Is our first debate of the year. As you all know, the presidential election is coming up, and I don't plan on beating around the bush this season. Our first topic; abortion and women's right to it."

There were a few excited murmurs about the group, and I saw Alex lean forward a bit slightly out of the corner of my eye. "Now," Washington continued slowly, "I'm going to need a volunt-"

"I volunteer!" Jefferson had stood up, startling the two boys sitting beside him; Burr almost dropped his book.

The professor looked startled as well. "Very well," he nodded, "Choose your second, Thomas."

Jefferson grabbed Madison's arm, the ladder standing up gingerly to join his friend. "Good," Washington mumbled, writing something down on a paper in front of him, "and now we need an opp-"

"I'll do it!" Alex suddenly launched himself from his seat, and I gasped in surprise.

"Would you let me finish a sentence!" Washington snapped impatiently, but then sighed, "Very well, Mister Hamilton, pick your second."

Alex turned to his right briefly and looked over Laf and Hercules, and for a relieving second I thought I was safe, but then he spun back around and smiled broadly at me.

"I choose John."

Well shit.

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