Chapter 30: The Storm

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(A/N: Okay guys, so I'm trying my best and I've got a lot of great stuff planned for this FF, but I'm just lettin y'all know the next chapter or two is gonna be rough. I hate using stuff that's already been done, but ya know, it's a necessary evil as I always say.
- Daryn 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸

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Alex's POV

By the time John got back to our own dorm, it was almost eleven o'clock. Hercules and Lafayette were both in bed, probably asleep; I guessed they were tired from the day. When John opened the door I was perched in my top bunk, the bright light from my laptop screen lighting up my face in the dark room. "Uh... Alex?" He said quietly to get my attention, and I looked up from my laptop.

"Hey," I replied, "What kept you?"

He shrugged. "I hung out with Eliza a little longer than I planned."

"Oh," was all I decided to say.

Then I was silent again, and reopened my laptop again. I heard John sigh and deduced he must have been tired. He threw his jacket over the chair near the desk, and I noticed it was wet. I looked outside; it had already started to rain. Actually, it was pouring.

"You should put the laptop away soon," John said suddenly, startling me slightly, "It's a school night."

"A little longer," I said vaguely, backing myself slowly into the corner of the mattress so I could lean back against the wall.

"It's raining," I said stupidly after a moment, looking out the window.

"Hmm?" John asked, slightly distracted, "Oh, yeah. It was raining when I left Eliza's. It's supposed to be a huge storm; lightning, thunder, everything.

"I hope it isn't loud," I muttered, furrowing my eyebrows.

"What?" John asked, and I was suddenly aware he was listening to me.

"Nevermind," I shook my head, "Goodnight, John."

"Night," He replied, ducking down into his bottom half of the bunk bed.

I continued to type on my laptop. I hoped I wouldn't wake John, but I had no intention of falling asleep any time soon.

John's POV


Thunder cracked, waking me up. Lightning soon followed, flooding in through the window and filling the room with white light. What a storm, I thought to myself, propping myself up on my elbows.

I looked to the clock on my nightstand; 1:39, it read. I sighed silently, it would be too loud outside for me to fall back asleep any time soon.

It seemed that nothing would wake Hercules and Laf, but I had always been a light sleeper. After the light from the storm faded, I realized that there was another source of light shining about from above me.

Alex's laptop, I thought to myself, how long has he been up? But when I listened closely, I couldn't here any typing to match it. He must have fallen asleep without shutting it down.

My muscles stiff and tired, I climbed out of my bunk, intending to reach up into Alex's and close his laptop for him. When I stood up, however, it was a much different scene than I imagined.

Alex was up there, completely awake, hugging his knees to his chest within his single sheet wrapped tightly around him. It was obvious he hadn't slept at all so far that night.

His laptop was on, sitting a foot or two in front of him, but he was only staring into it. "Alex," I whispered, and he jumped violently.

"John!" He exclaimed, and then covered his mouth when Laf stirred in his bed, mumbling something in French.

"I-I didn't mean... to wake you," Alex continued quietly, looking down into his lap.

I shrugged. "It was the thunder that woke me," I explained, and then raised an eyebrow, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

"I have," he said, nodding vigorously, "The storm woke me up... a few minutes ago."

He was lying. I could see it in his bloodshot eyes, and his pale skin that was reflecting the screen light. "Right," I said sarcastically, and decided to climb up the ladder into his bunk.

I sat with my legs dangling off the side, and was relieved when Alex moved over slightly to make room. "Now," I began, getting comfortable, "Why haven't you slept."

He shrugged, but I saw him steal a side glance at the window. "Is it the storm?"

He shrugged again. "I guess it's called astraphobia," he explained, wringing his hands together, "It's been like this since I was a child, so i'm fine, really."

I raised my eyebrows in slight disbelief as another crack of thunder went off. Alex jumped again, and shut his eyes tightly before burying his face in his hands. "Not fine," I stated obviously, and moved over to sit close beside him.

"Is this what you do every time there's a storm?" I asked him, and he shrugged.

"Yes, but usually I'm alone," he said, smiling sheepishly at me.

"Well, you're not alone this time," I frowned slightly, and set my hand on his lower back.

I was only trying to help; I knew that human contact sometimes was comforting, psychologically and all that, but he jumped again, and I was about to pull it away but he stopped me. "It's fine, John," Alex waved a hand dismissively, and looked out the window.

"Try to fall asleep, Alex," I concluded softly, and began to slide down the mattress towards the ladder, but I stopped myself.

If he won't listen to your words, make him respond to your actions, I remembered Eliza's words.

"Hey, Alex?" I turned back to him.

He was still curled up against himself; he didn't appear to want to fall asleep. He looked so alone.

"Yeah?" He responded quietly.

"Do you want me to stay?" I asked, and then added quickly, "At least until you fall asleep."

He looked reluctant, but gave another look out the window at the violent sky, and then looked back at me. "Thanks," he nodded.

Neither of us moved. "Alexander," I began a second time.

Use your imagination, Eliza told me.

"Joh-" Alex started, but I had already thought of something.

I kissed him.

(A/N: cringe cringe cringe cringe cringe sorry sorry sorry sorry)

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