Seriously? Seriously, iloveyou.

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4' am. In order to be at Cam's by the time she wake up, That's when my day had to start.

Show Cam how much you care, Louis. It's Valentines Day & All. Show her you care.

I groped around her kitchen in the dark for a frying pan and eggs. Duh, Lou, they're in the cold box. I cracked two eggs and went to work! Should I add in some carrots ? . . nah that's going too far. With all the work that she has to do, she probably doesn't even remember it's Valentines Day.

I was nearly done with the eggs when I heard BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. I rushed through her cabinets, trying to find a plate, while praying that I wouldn't brake anything . . I had faith in myself that I would, but I was wrong.

I could barely concentrate. I was waiting for her to come down. I was anxious to see her face.

And there she stood, in the kitchen walkway.


"G'Morning BooBear." I said kissing her chapstick soft lips. "Eat up, you don't want to be late for work!"

"Uh, thanks Lou. How'd you know where I live?" she nearly laughed, a beautiful smile spread slowly across her face, it was obvious that she was happy to see me.

"Kamie told me when I asked her." Kamie was an easy little girl. She'd tell you anything if you ask.

"Oh, I love that child," she saidm linking her arm to mine, and laying her head sleepily on my shoulder. I slid the scrambled eggs in front of her.

"WAKE UP JELLY BELLY." I shook her softly. I loved the way she responded to everything I said. I loved the way her hair falls natrually down her back, and she doesn't try too hard at making it  perfect.

She took a bite of my eggs.

"Holy shit Lou, where'd you learn how to cook?!" she said as she shoved another mouthful in.


"No. Way."


"Bobby Flay taught you how to cook?"

"Yup, his cookbook has good details," I said with a wink. She let out a laugh. It was sure; Cam's perfect.


I held her hand, walking her out of the apartment of the way to the diner . . where my 'motorcycle' awaits us.

She starts walking, but I grab two helmets.

"You know, it'd be alot faster if we rode this . ." I said as I handed her a  bright green helmet.

"Are you fucking serious?"

"YUP. Hop in front."

"What, why ?!"

"Just do it, Cam. I promise; you won't regret it." I snugged the helmet to her head, as I bucked it, I tilted her head up slightly and kissed her.

"Okay, if you say soo."

She hopped in front, and I hopped on behind her, so I can drive.

"Put your hands on top of mine." so she has something to hold onto.

She did. Firework.

"Ready?" I said, trying to make her nervous.

"Lou, promise me that you're a safe rider."

I laughed.

"Hell no."


"ALRIGHT LETS GOOOO!" I said squeezing the handle, as she squeezed my hand.