I Think Back to that Little Piece of Heaven

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I woke up laying on my side, and Louis’ arm over me. Beside that, I could hear Zayn snoring rather heavily, and the thick smell of Axe and cinnamon Altoids. I slowly opened my tired, heavy eyelids. The sun was barely rising, the lights off, and the TV on. Guess Lou forgot to turn it off.

I rolled over onto my other side, Lou laying peacefully next to me. Large eyes closed, and a light and happy breath. He had a small smile on his face, though he was fast asleep.

I leaned in, and kissed him gently.

He just cuddled more into his pillow. Cutie. I sat up in bed, Louis’ arm falling gracefully into my lap. I looked across the room to Zayn’s bed. No shirt on. A pillow smashed to his face, and sheets on the floor. What was he dreaming about, that’d make him toss & turn like that? I chuckled to myself. Life’s good.

I looked over at the digital clock on the nightstand.

8:47 am.

I got out of bed, and walked over to my bag of things. I pulled out a pair of reaaally, ripped skinny jeans, a black tank top, and a white, short-sleeved crop top with black writing on it, that says in script; Cool Story Bro. I hopped into the bathroom and got changed. Didn’t bother to do anything to my hair; just brush it and let it fall.

When I was ready, I snuck over to the window, and opened the curtains, revealing a thick sun, that’s blinding if you really look at it.

Both boys groaned.

“WHYYYY. IT’S NOT TIME TO GET UP.” Zayn groaned, squeezing the pillow tighter to his face. He ever so slowly, decided to open his eyes and look at me. The one who partially caused all this mess.

Those deep and thick, dark eyes. I stared at him for a while. For others it’d be awkward, and strange to just look at someone for like a minute or so. But no, this was everything. This was apologies, confessions, arguments, jokes, laughter. You name it. This is all the things that there should’ve been between us over the past two days- but wasn’t.

“Alright. Fine.” he said, standing up. Still shirtless, revealing his effortlessly tan and ripped body.  He came a little closer, and I held my breath.

Every time Zayn gets closer to me, I never know if it’s a good thing . . or if I should run. Either he’s gonna kiss me, or he’s . . well I’d rather not say to be quite honest.

Instead of either of those options, he pulled me into a giant bear hug. His warm body pressed against mine, and long and strong arms encapsulating me into a tender moment. Kind of stuck in this position, I relaxed. Took a breath, and wrapped my arms around him too.

He ran his fingers through the ends of my hair, and ran his hand in small lines on my back. Laid his head on my shoulder and whispered,

“I’m so sorry.”

How could I not forgive him. He’s Zayn Malik. One of the most polite, affectionate, sweet . . . hmm . . . passionate [talking about when he pulled me into the kiss] guys on this planet.

“It’s all good, Zayn. Don’t you worry.” I said softly, and hugging him a little tighter.

“Aww.” Louis says. I immediately let go, and take a few steps away. But Lou’s sitting in bed smiling like the happy child he is. “Look at you two. All friends again. What a good way to kick off the tour!” I come over to him, and sit on his lap.

I turn my head, and remove the space between his lips and mine. I love the way we kiss. The way everything feels absolutely perfect when I’m around him. Close to him. The way I can always trust him to love me, and make me even prouder to call him my boyfriend.