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Hey Guys!!

  I just wanted to say I'm so thankful for how well this fanfic has been doing- and that next I'll be doing some oneshots. I really like how this story is building up, but I want to know from YOU- Louis, Zayn or Harry? Who should she be with?! What happens to Louis&Harry if they both go for Cam? To save Larry, will she end up with Zayn? [hahah probably not but HEY] SO thanks alot, keep reading, vote, comment! xxx

Yoours Truuly,



I heard a closing door, and that’s when I knew Louis was gone. So, I stepped outside, and opened their door.

Alright Haz, you can do this. You can tell her.

I opened the door, and I saw Zayn standing behind Cam. She looked worried, and Zayn looked mysterious as ever.

“Turn around,” he said firmly, coming up close behind her. Something’s not right, and it’s actually scary. “Turn around.” he said even more harshly.

Cam, obediently as ever, turned around, where Zayn did the unthinkable. He pressed his lips to hers, and what hurt me, and what Louis doesn’t know- is that she most likely kissed back. Their lips wavered, on and on for a few minutes, and then things got weird. I made a noise, startling the two, and Cam turned to look at me.

Her jaw dropped, and Zayn dramatically threw himself away.

“H-h-a-z-Ha-Ha-Har-Harry . . .” she stuttered. Sorrow, and guilt took over her body and facial expression, as she collapsed to the floor, burrying her head in her knees.

I took steps towards her. Now is literally the only time I can tell her.

I looked down at the crying figure. She did nothing wrong- Zayn kissed her.

I then turned to Zayn, and shot him a nasty look of dishonor.

“How much . . when . . . what did you see?” she managed to say through her tears, streaming down her face.

“I saw what Zayn did to you.” I paused. “I saw the way he said ‘turn around’, and you, innocent and obedient, just did as you’re told.” She looked surprised that I wasn’t blowing up at her, and ranting on and on and then going to find Louis.

“It wasn’t li-” Zayn started.

“Oh no, Zayn. I know exactly what it was like. Save it.” I knelt down beside Cam, literally huddled in a ball.

“It’s not your fault, love.” I said, rubbing her back, and putting my other arm around her. “It’s okay.”

She remained silent, and I could only feel so terrible inside for her.

“No, it’s not okay. I . . I cheated on Louis.” she said, burrying her face into my chest. My heart raced, because I have her right where I want her. The room was silent. Make a move now.

“Hon, will you look at me?” I asked her, stroking her hair.

She kept in my chest, sniffling, and muttering things to herself. I took her face in my left hand, and pulled her head to look at me. Her eyes were filled with tears, and her eyes locked on mine.

“You’re not mad?” she said, fighting back letting tears overwhelm her eyes.

“No, I’m not mad. But I think you should tell Louis-”


“Cam, I kno-”

“No,” she said. “I can’t tell him. He’ll breakup with me, and send me back to that dump that I so laughably call my life. I love him so much, I . . it’s not fair.”