Chapter 9 || Together II

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I Know it is SERIOUSLY SUPER LONG since I updated but its cause I have tooooooo much stuff going on. Especially this year is an important year for me due to National Exams TT.

But I will seriously try hard to give you guys some updates. Hope that I have the time to do this. Haizzzzzz

Another thing I realized is that I changed quite some parts of the original storyline but hope ya guys don't mind :)

Anyways, hope you enjoy the new chapter! ONWARDS XD

Chapter 9



Kyosuke. She smiled at the memory. She closed her eyes and her smile continued to play on her lips as she thought...

Let's run together again Kyo-chan.

Let's play together again Kyo-chan.

Let's be together with everyone again.


-Next Day @ Stride Clubroom-

Heath POV:

We were all packing up to head to class after our morning training when Yagami and the other two first years informed me of a rather surprising situation.

"You asked Kyosuke...?" I said in surprise at my kouhais' actions. Yagami looked towards me and replied, "Yes. You said the other day that he was this awesome runner, better than you and on par with Yuki-senpai. Sorry I did that without your permission."

I furrowed my brows slightly and questioned him hesitantly, "And... what did he say?" The trio first years looked at each other in surprise, probably at me not telling them off about going up to Kyosuke, then looked down in slight curiosity. "Something about not having the right..." Yagami trailed off. He then continued, "I didn't know there was a right involved." He was confused and he misunderstood Kyosuke's words, it seems. But I knew what he meant and that caused my brows to scrunch up even more. And I could feel Hozumi's frustration as well.

-Time Skip to Break-

Third POV:

Riku, Takeru and Nana were seated in their class for lunch break and talking about their current problem.

"Man, why won't anyone help out?" Riku groaned as he leaned against Takeru's desk, who was behind him, with an elbow on the table and rested his chin on that hand. Takeru was quietly thinking and eating as Nana looked at Riku and replied, "Everyone has their own summer events to participate in." "I know, but still." Riku started to whine.

He then started to recall. "It's like they're running away from us. When people see us, they quickly back off." As the two(Riku and Nana) were wondering the cause, the problem itself was occurring again as Takeru was suddenly examining another classmate's leg. "Good legs. With some training, you can run." He said. He looked nonchalant about it but from his tone, one could tell that he was fascinated and excited.

The poor student, who became Takeru's next victim, jumped in surprise at Takeru's appearance, proceeding to running away hurriedly from the culprit's grasps. The people in the class looked at the scene with mix looks of surprise, shock and amusement.

While all this was happening, the two other Stride club members looked at their friend and realized the problem, imaginary sweat dripping from their heads. Could it be...? They thought in unison.

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