Oh fuck me.

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Me and the guys are waiting for Dragonflys lazy ass. Sheesh take forever why don't ya? At the moment I felt some one come up behind me and put their arms around my waist "WHAT IN THE HOLY FUCKING HELL SHIT?!?!" I screamed and turned around to see Alex hugging me... "You looked cold sheesh, I was trying to be ni-" he was cut off by Dragonfly screaming at him. "WHAT IN THE FUCKY FUCKING FUCK ARE YOU DOING ON MY BUTTERFLY?!?! DID I SAY YOU COULD TOUCH HER IN ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM YOU DUMB FUCK BRITISH BITCH?"

"Uh-it's n-not what I-it looks li-" Alex gets cut off by Rian.


Draggy's face turns red, she walks up to Alex.

"If you ever even think about touching my girl again, I will beat you so fucking bad you will curl up in a fucking ball in the emo corner and cry like a little baby bitch" She says and Alex has so much fear in his eyes it's not even funny, I'm shocked that he's not pissing himself.

I close my eyes and sigh at dragonfly, there is something wrong with her I swear, when I open my eyes Alex is hiding behind Fredric.

"Chill out you fucking weirdo, jeez" I say and she rolls her eyes.

"You are mine" Dragonfly says and winks at me showing me she's joking.

"So are we going to your house or..?" Fredric asks.

"Well Freddyboo, if you want to, I mean if the little baby needs a nap we can go" I say.

"I want to take a nap" Dragonfly says.

"Wtf you're not a little kid" Fredric says.

"Reality check I'm a child!" She yells making us all laugh.

"I'm going home so yeah" Dragonfly adds on and hops on her skate board leaving us.

"So we're taking my car?" Zach asks.

"Well I have my car and I can't leave my baby" I say.

"Well we'll have it you and Alex in your car, and me Zach and Rian in Zach's car"

"Okay I'm cool with that" Rian says.

Oh fuck me and Alex are going to be in a car alone, with no dragonfly to stop him from freaking me out, fuck!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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