5 A Flower Feild

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~•Edward's POV•~

I felt grass at my fingertips. The cool blades comforting to the touch. I slowly opened my eyes from my deep slumber. I sat up. I was sitting in a flower field.

"Ah, so your finally awake." Said a calm and sweet voice. I turned to see a smiling (h/c) girl. She sat next to me. "You looked so peaceful resting there." I stayed silent. I stared into the girls dark blue orbs. Something about her seemed so familiar, yet so different.

"Who are you?" I asked still staring at her face.

She smiled. "Someone who wants you to look after her."

A puzzling look was plastered on my face. "Who?"

She stood up and the wind started to blow. "You'll see very soon." She smile and the wind took her away. She just disappeared. I stood up. "W-wait! Who are you?" I asked reaching out my hand, but she was already gone.

I quickly sat up with my hand reached out. Al ran over to me. "Are you ok Brother?"

I took a look at my surroundings. "Y-yeah....it was as just a dream...." I felt warm and comfortable. I saw a blanket on top of me. I didn't know why but it made me smile.

The door to my room opened as a voice came from it. "That was very refreshing." (Y/n) walked out stretching her arms. When she noticed me she walked over to me. "Good morning Ed!" She smiled.

That smile.....I've seen it before..... "Someone who wants you to look after her."

Was that her mother? "Hey (Y/n)...what does your mother look like?"

Her expression grew confused. "I don't know.....I lost my memory, remember?"

"Oh...heh...that's right." I forgot about that. Well I won't let if bug me. "So what's for breakfast?!" I jumped off the couch and walked into the kitchen.

"I just finished cooking it now, Brother." Al said as he was putting scrambled eggs on 2 different plates. He set the plates on the table. (Y/n) and I both sat down and began eating.

"Once your done we have to go see Mustang. He called and said he had a mission for us." Al washed the dishes.

"Ahh...why do we even work for the guy? He's so annoying!" I groan.

As Al was finishing up with the dishes he said, "Mustang isn't that bad, you just don't like him, Brother."

"What's so bad about this Mustang?" (Y/n) asked.

"Well for one he's really bossy, he also makes fun of me......" I said.

As I said that the phone began to ring. "I'll get it!" Al said as he went over to the phone. "Hello?"

"So......(Y/n).....I was wondering if you would-" I was cut off by Al.

"Brother!!! We have to go now! Mustang said if we don't get there we are gonna be toasted to ashes!!"

"Ah crap! We must be late!!" Without thinking I grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and ran out the door and all the way to Mustang's office.

Alright! Thx for reading and sorry ya so short again :p I've also been on vacation so I haven't had much time to write! I am so so so so so so so so sorry!! I know I have some adoring fans who love this book. I hope I can write faster and not have any writer's block so u guys can read! I'll write as fast as I can!!

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