6 A New Mission

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~•(Y/n)'s POV•~

"Crap! We must be late!!" Edward started freaking out. He then grabbed my hand. It felt warm and soft. I blushed a little before flying out of the door.

My feet barely touched the floor as we zoomed through the streets. "AAAAAHHHHHH" I screamed as I was being dragged all the way to the middle of Central city.

The next thing I saw was a building and then doors along a hallway. Then I was in a room, staring at a desk with a chair back facing us.

Edward was panting and his hand started getting hotter. I looked over at him and he was sweating a whole bunch. His grip tightened on my hand and he yelled out "WHAT THE HELL COLONEL?!?! WHAT DO U WANT?!?!"

I tried to get Ed's attention because my hand started to hurt.

The chair turned around to reveal the black haired man I saw a few days ago. He had an odd look on his face. His hands covered his mouth and his eyes looked watered. All of a sudden he burst out laughing. "HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" he couldn't stop laughing.

Ed looked a bit confused, then his expression grew angry again. "WHAT THE HELL?! AL TOLD ME YOU WERE MAD AT US!!!!"

"Um....Ed?" I tried to get his attention because his hand, yet again, tightened its grip on mine.

"I was just kidding Fullmetal!! Calm down will you? You know you got here in less than 3 minutes!" The man said wiping away some tears.

"Ed?" I tried again.

Then Al burst through the door. "Brother! I had to go apologize to everyone because you ether knocked them down or you blew all of their stuff everywhere!! What were you doing?!"

"E-Ed??" I said a bit louder.

Ed turned around and flung me onto the other side of him. He pointed to Al with his free hand and yelled, "I should be asking the questions here!! You made it sound like if we didn't get here the whole world would burn to ashes because of this dumb bastard! Were you in on it too, Al?!"

"Edward!" I said.

"What are you talking about?!" Al replied."

"EDWARD LET GO OF MY HAND BEFORE YOU BREAK IT!!!" I screamed and everyone looked at me.

Ed looked down and saw that he was grabbing my hand. His face turned red and he quickly let go. Relief ran through me as the blood rushed back into my hand. "I-I-I'm so s-sorry (Y/n)!!!! I-I didn't mean too!!!" He apologized with a beet red face.

"It's fine! Just shut up!" I yelled back to him. I moved my hand around to make sure it was ok.

I looked up and saw the black haired man smirking. "It seems that there's some love birds in the room."

My face turned red at this. "Do you want to die?!" I yelled at him with my fists clenched.

"Alright settle down. I have a mission for you Fullmetal. Around Central city there have been reports of a mysterious Alchemist. The reports say there was a flash of blue light before a building fell down. Each building had some priceless artifact. I want you to stop the next robbery!"

"Do we know what their next target is?" Ed asked.

"Yes." The man pulled out a large piece of paper with a bunch of rectangular shapes on it. Some of them were labeled. "This is the most likely place for his next target."

"The National Museum?! But there are hundreds of priceless artifacts there!!"

"Yesterday they received a new piece. They are unveiling it tomorrow around 8pm. I believe that is when he is going to strike. I want you to capture him and bring him in."

"Alright! Sounds easy enough! I bet we'll be back before dinner! Hehe!" Edward smiled as we walked out the door. Al followed and I after.

As I was about to step out the door I heard my name. "(Y/n). Come over here please." I turned around and the man with black hair stood next to his desk.

I walked over to him. "Yes?"

"I don't believe we've formally met. My name is Roy Mustang. I am a Colonel in the military." He held out his hand.

"I'm (Y/n)." I shook his hand. "I hope Edward isn't too much trouble for you." I giggled.

"He can be a handful sometimes. I just hope you can deal with him. Well I best be on my way. Have a good day (Y/n)." The Colonel walked out of his office and down the hall.

I walked out of the room and found Ed and Al waiting for me. "Come on, let's go." Ed put his hands behind his head. We walked out of the building and down the streets.

"Ed where are we going?" I asked.

"To the National Museum." He replied.

"Where is that?"

"Didn't you see where Mustang pointed on the map?"

I held a confused expression on my face.

"Colonel Mustang pointed to a rectangle on a sheet of paper. That piece of paper is called a map!" Al informed me.

"Oh! So that's what that was!"

After a short while we arrived at the museum. We walked inside but some body guards stopped us at the front doors.

"No one can enter without permission!" One of the guards said.

"Will this give us permission?" Ed showed them his pocket watch.

"You can come in, But the armored man and the little boy can't." They said.

"WHAT THE HELL?! WHO ARE YOU CALLING A LITTLE BOY?! IM A GIRL!!!!" I yelled while Al held me back from tearing them apart.

"Wait a minute! How can a kid who's only like 12 be a State Alchemist?" The other guard said looking at Edward.

"I'm not 12......I'm 14 damnit!" Ed was about to blow.

"What?! No way!!" Both the guards and myself were dumbfounded. I had never asked Ed how old he was. He was so small that I thought he was 12 or maybe 13! I can't believe it! He's older than me and I'm so much taller than him!

"You too?! I'm not that small am I?!?!" Ed started freaking out.

"What's all the commotion out here?" An old man with a cane stood at the doorway.

"S-sir!" The guards stood to attention. "These three want to come into the museum!"

"Well let them in!"

"But sir-"

"No 'buts' about it! Now why don't you three come with me and we can get some tea, 1, 2, 3! That's a good rhyme is it not?" The old man giggled.

We all kinda cringed at his so called 'rhyme'.

We followed him through the museum. "So if I may ask, what might you be doing here?" The old man asked.

"I have orders from Colonel Mustang to come and help you protect the new artifact that you are going to be displaying tomorrow." Ed replied.

"Ah yes. The new Dragon Diamond."

"A dragon?" I questioned.

"Yes. The artifact is a huge diamond. And it has been shaped into the form of a dragon!"

"Can you please tell us some more about the artifact display tomorrow, sir?" Al asked.

The old man smiled. "Drop the formality would you, call me Gomba. Why don't I just show you the artifact."

"That would be great!" I said with joy.

Thx for reading!! Hope you enjoyed and I will have the next chapter out asap!! I wrote this entire chapter in one sitting, with the exception of a dinner break :p

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