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Covergirls are "perfect".
Thin is the only way "in".
Buff is the new "handsome".
"Pretty" doesn't come from within.

We restrain ourselves with stereotypes,
and try our best to be "cool".
But what really truly matters,
can't be sought by fools.

If we hold ourselves back from greatness,
and don't let us shine within.
What's the point of dreaming,
if there's no chance to win.

We bound all our potential,
and hide it deep inside.
For fear we won't be accepted,
but swept away by the tide.

Lest we forget our meaning,
the true purpose of our being.
We shouldn't  have to be "perfect",
for that takes away the point of living.

The Book of Thoughts, Poems and WordsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora