I Want

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It was a normal day in London. I was walking home from a long day at school, Today was probably one of the best days of my life as my crush David asked me to the schools Valentines dance coming up in less than a week. I was so excited when he had asked me, I've been crushing on him since I was like 13, and now I'm 16 and he finally asked me out. I had to pull myself out of my thoughts as I felt my phone vibrate, I reached in my pocket and pulled it out and it said 2 new messages. I opened one of messages and it was from my friend Natalie..

Natalie: Cassie meet me at my house I have some news! Xx

and I replied and said "Alright be right over! .x", and then I opened the other message and it was from Laura.

Laura: I'm at Natalies come over here ASAP! Love you! X

I turned around and started walking towards Natalies house which is about 2 blocks from mine, as I walked I kept thinking about David and our kiss.. I just love the way they moved along with my lips. I got to Natalies and as I was walking towards her house, I seen her and Laura jumping up and down smiling while jumping up and down. I've known them ever since we were like practically born, all of our parents know eachother. Anyways, When I walked up Natalie ran to me with her long brown hair flowing in the wind, and when she reached me she jumped up and down on me.. and was screaming "OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH!!", so I finally got her to stop jumping up and down, "Oh my gosh what? What's so exciting?!", I said getting irritated now. "Guess who is going to one of the One Direction concerts?! That's right, we are!", Natalie said, smiling big showing her teeth.

I smiled and started smiling, "Really? You know I like them but, I don't like them as much as you, are you sure you want me going?". She says, "Yes, I do, I think you'll change your mind once you go to one of their concerts, and maybe we'll meet them ya never know!" She says winking. She knows I have a wee bit of a crush on the curly haired one, I forgot his name but I think it's something like Harry or something, but he has the most gorgeous curly hair, and green eyes. What would I do if I actually met him? I think I'd die. I'm excited, but I'm not going to show the girls how excited I am, as that would just make them think I really like them. "True, Okay fine I'll go! So, when is the concert? and where is it?", I say.

Natalie replies back as soon as I finish with the last word, "In about 2 weeks, right here in London!". Two weeks wow that was coming right up, I have shit to wear what the hell am I going to wear!? Oh no! Then I finally say, "I have nothing to wear guys!", Laura gets up and comes over by us and screams, "Let's go shopping! Tomorrow after school we will go into town and shop for something to wear!". Natalie and I both say at the same time, "Alright!!", and jump up and down. I felt my phone vibrate and it was a message from my mum telling me I gotta get home so I can eat dinner, wow I've actually been here for a couple hours without realizing it, wow. "Hey guys, I gotta go mum just texted me! Late for dinner! Text me! Bye!".



Hey guys! xD

 I know it's quite short, But I just got the idea to do this I think yesterday, Stay tuned for more! Comment, and vote! xxx Love you guys!. <3

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