Ba Boom

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A/N; btw I didn't know what to name it and I seen something and thought of ba boom lol


As I returned home, I was walking up to my door I checked my phone for the time and seen I had 3 messages, all from David. 

David: Hey babe! Just checking to see if you're okay. Talk to you later love xx

David: I need to talk to you about something! It's important, it's about the dance! x

David: Babes? Are you ignoring me? D: 

I cleared all the messages, and quickly replied, "No, David sorry I wasn't ignoring you. I was just hanging out with Laura and Natalie, they were drooling over that band again! Haha! Love you baby! And what is it? x". I felt myself blushing, and I smiled. I tried to calm myself down before I walked into the door, cause I knew I'd be hit with a bunch of questions as soon as I walked in if my mum had seen my cheeks red. She doesn't approve of me dating, which I have no clue why since I'm 16 years old, but whatever. 

I opened the door and slowly walked in, mum was in the kitchen finishing up dinner. My mum was beautiful she had long blonde hair which was kinda wavy and she had blue-green eyes, she always dressed very nice as well.. Guess that's where I got my good dressing ability from, haha. She's all I have left, my father left us about 6 months ago.. He got a new younger girlfriend that was in her twenties.. He's a deadbeat. She's been upset about it and still kinda is, every once and a while I hear her crying at night, sometimes I just want to go run in her room and hug her, but I pretend I don't hear her. I'm glad she's found somebody new though, he's really nice, and has 2 kids. His name is Dan, and his daughters name is Felicity who is 13, and John he's the same age as me, and quite frankly he is a cutie pie. But, he might be my brother some day so I can't like him, right? 

As I drop my bag on the floor, and run into the kitchen I say, "Hey mum! How's dinner going? Need help?". As a huge smile lights up her face and shows her one dimple, yes she's only got one, which is quite weird, she says, "Dinner is going great! Excellent! No I don't need help as of right now, Dan and the kids are coming for dinner tonight so go get dressed into something nice, alright?". I kiss her cheek as I say, "Alright, be down in about a half hour, love you mum!". I sat down on my bed and pulled out my phone David texted back. Honestly, I'm kinda scared to read his message. It says, "Would you want me to pick you up a couple hours before the dance? And oooh thank goodness! I thought you were ignoring me! x".

I decided not to text back right away only cause I have to start getting ready for tonight, hopefully John doesn't look at me like he always does, it kinda gives me the creeps, I have a boyfriend I can't be fooling around with John. I walk over to my closet and pull out my red skinny jeans, a white button up dress shirt, I put them on and then took off my socks so no body would see them since I'll be wearing my TOMS. I couldn't decide how to do my hair so first I started with my makeup, I just put on a bit of eyeliner and mascara and some carmex. Now, it's time for the hair, hmm what to do what to do.... Finally I pulled out my straightener and parted my hair how I always do and then decided to turn on my iPod and plug it into the dock, hmm One Direction is playing and my favorite song too 'I Want', as I straighten my hair I think about Harry I love the way his voice sounds in this song, and the way he says well sings "Insane". It's quite cute actually. 

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