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About 10 minutes later, I woke up to people screaming and my head hurt like hell. What just happened? I'm still in the car, and I'm alone. I decided to get out of the car, so I unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out. As soon as I got steady on 2 feet everyone stopped yelling and stood looking at me. I walked over to Laura and asked her what happened and she replied, "We got into an accident, and you hit your head and blanked out. We are all okay."

I just stood looking dumbfounded at Natalie, and 5 boys who were standing next to her.. She was talking to one in particular he was kind of short he had blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. These boys were cute, they reminded me of that band.. What are they called? One Direction? Ah, ye... Wait it can't be, no it can't be them. Silently I'm freaking out I didn't want them to find out so I just walked over to them and started talking to them and asked them their names. In a Irish accent which was very cute I might add, the blonde one says while smiling and showing his braces, "Hi, I'm Niall Horan, Nice to meet you!" Then, the one wearing a striped shirt and had brown hair and bright blue eyes, who was about 4 inches taller than me greeted me nicely and said "Hello dear I am Louis Tomlinson but you can call me BooBear!", I smiled and nodded,  and then Liam, I knew who he was already "Hey I am Liam Payne, what's your name?" He asked politely while shaking my hand, wow he was a lot more polite than Louis or Niall, I shook his hand and said "Cassandra, but please call me Cassie!". Next was Zayn, ah Zayn the vain one haha.. He said "Hi, Cassie, I am Zayn Malik. Please to meet you beautiful!". I felt my face get really hot, I bet I'm blushing I put my head down to avoid the awkwardness of them knowing I was blushing, then after about 2 minutes of them all chittchatting I looked up.

 Last but not least.... There he was, the boy with the curly hair and green eyes, I knew this boy, he was Harry. He flashed that cheeky smile of his revealing those cute little dimples of his I almost fainted but I'm not going to say anything, "Hi, you're beautiful! I'm Ha-" but before he could finish I butted in and said "You're Harry, I know who you are" I winked, "and thanks for calling me beautiful, I don't think I am." Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me away from everybody else, I felt my phone vibrate so I grabbed it out of my jacket pocket and it was a message from Laura.

Laura: Girl, I see how you look at him, I know you like him. GET IT! I think he likes you as well. Hurry and talk with Harry and come back asap. Love you. xx

I decided not to reply, I put my phone back into my pocket and Harry looked at me while saying, "Why are you smiling while looking at your phone? Was that your boyfriend or something?", That same familiar cheeky smile showed up, I couldn't figure out if I wanted to play hard to get or not.. Should I? I mean it wouldn't hurt him, and I don't have a boyfri- Oh yes, David. SHIT! I forgot about David. Oh, well I'll never meet up with them again except for at the concert, it won't matter. I look him straight into his eyes, his eyes are really pretty I can just look into them all day. "Yeah, it was my boyfriend David, asking me something about our date to the school dance coming up." "Oh!" Harry said while looking down. 

Have I upset Harry? There's no way I could date him, I'm ugly, and I'm fat. He likes very pretty girls, and definitely likes skinny skanky girls. I'm not getting jealous. No way! 

"Harry, look I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you if I have, I didn't know you might've liked me, because I'm well fat and ugly." I screamed while running off crying. Why am I crying? What just happened? It must be hormones and/or the accident. "Girls exchange insurances and let's go! LET'S GO NOW!". The girls exchanged insurance with the boys, the accident wasn't that bad so we could start the car back up and everything, I just wanted to go and get out of here, I don't know what's gotten into me. The girls stayed chatting with the boys a little more, and apparently Laura gave Louis her number while Louis gave her his number, and Natalie gave Niall her number, and he gave her his. Now, they got a famous bands number I could've gotten Harrys. I'm screwed.

"Shit!! What the hell! You're so stupid!", I mumbled to myself as the girls got in the car.

We ended up going shopping at topshop, and I got a lot more clothes than just for the concert but it's alright cause I really need clothes. Today was bad, and good. I couldn't decide. I'm finally home now. Natalie decided to sleep over. 


I woke up, and looked around my room I didn't see Nat I wonder where she is. But then her phone started going of 'Its Gotta Be Yooooouuuuuu!'. I screamed her name and told her that her phone was ringing, and she replied from downstairs, "ANSWER IT!". So, I looked at the phone the called ID said my name whoa! I thought I had my phone, I answered it with my voice shaking, "He.. Helloo?" A deep manly voice rang through the speaker I know who it was... It was him, Harry. Saying cheekily, "Hello! Is this Cassie?" I replied with a "YES!",  He continued, "I have your phone you dropped it yesterday! Want it? You gotta meet me somewhere for it!" and the line went dead. I'm up for it, but he never told me where.

I texted my number, and asked where to meet him. I got up and got dressed, and while I was putting my leggings on the phone vibrated, it was a message from Harry on my phone.

Harry: How about the park at 12? .xx Harry

I replied, Sure meet you there at 12 ! x

I looked at the time and it was almost 11:30, I better start going. I grabbed my stuff and ran down the stairs. "Harry, has my phone he must of snuck it out of my pocket when I was close to him last night, Here's your phone I'll be back in about a half hour to an hour, you can stay here since no body will be home all day." I said, well slipping on my TOMS. She just kept looking at me while she had a huge smile on her face, and she said "Alright, see ya soon then love!". And I skipped out of the door. Walking towards the park which is only about 8 minutes from my house, I turned on my iPod and shoved the headphones in my ears, and Moments by none other than One Direction came on of course. 


Sorry, I didn't update write away this chapter took me about 3 days to write. But, it's the weekend! So I'll update more.! Comment, Vote, & Fan!!. xxx - Cassie

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