Gang SebasDion

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Sebastian Argo rolled over onto his side, burying his face half in the pillow. his lover (Kevin insisted he called him that) was out again on 'business'. Sebastian would've gone with him, but Kevin had tricked him. again. he was possessive, so while Sebastian had been changing he'd slipped out, locking both the bedroom door and the door that led out to the stairs. So, not wanting to try the balcony again, Sebastian had sat down on the bed and waited, eventually falling asleep of boredom. he was fed up, fed up of being confined to one room in a thirty room house. this was not how he'd pictured life as the joint head of The Pistols. Getting up he walked to the door, calling softly but loudly

"Callie!" He waited "Callie!" The tell tale American lilt answered him "Sebby? why're you in there?" She took out her hairpin to pick the lock. the door swung open as Sebb walked out, Callie having already opened the stair door. She walked downstairs with him. "Kev lock you in again darlin? honestly he may be my brother 'n all but i ain't lyin' that i like him. he's one thing 'n only that. dirt" She shot an apologetic glance after saying it. Sebastian shook his head as she checked her phone. "Oh no. he's worked up 'n on 'is way back! go 'n lock ya self in!" He looked around wildly


"Closet for all i care! jest hide!" She swallowed as the door crashed open, putting on the sweet facade that kept her out of danger. "Hey there bro! ya not feelin' too good? ya look kinda down" She added half scared "Ya look kinda angry. not gonna lash out are ya? are ya?" No answer except the splash of scotch hitting the base of a glass.

"Where's Sebastian?" She stepped back trying to cover him

"Ya mean Sebby?"

"Did i call him Sebby? where's Sebastian?" 

"Well gee, i dunno, i haven't seen him round" Kevin's eyes sparked

"You're lyin to me you crazy bitch!" Callie's voice shook

"Am I? jee, i sure didn't mean to. ya not angry are ya?" She looked around to avoid the answer, pretending to see Sebastian for the first time. "Oh there ya are! almost gave me a heart attack! he's lookin for ya... Sebb" She let him past, whispering to him "Careful darlin" Running back upstairs she lied over her shoulder "I didn't say nothin! don' look at me like that! i didn't say nothin!" Sebb walked down cautiously.

"I look in the mood to wait?" He hurried down the rest of the stairs

"Look, i'm wearing the watch you got me. and the top" Kevin ignored him for a moment.

"Well get changed, you're gonna meet the new guy"

"I am changed" He added quickly "Babe." Trying a joke he smiled "Didn't you notice?" Kevin glared at him

"I said go get changed. didn't you hear me? Darlin?" Seb froze, Kevin had just used Callie's nickname for him. he never called him darling. the way he was glaring... he didn't think...? he couldn't, could he? He slammed his fist on the table and made Seb jump. "You suddenly deaf? get changed!" Seb ran upstairs with a quick

"Welcome home babe" He reached their room just as Kevin opened the front doors

"You" An unfamiliar voice answered

"I'm gonna be late, i don't have the files" Not hardcore American like Kevin, softer somehow. their accent was gentle and attractive. "I need those files"

"So what if you're late? you think you count? just get the files then get over here!" The voice didn't even shake when they answered. 

"I'm your accountant. i think i count. you can't do without me" 

"You not intimidated kid?" A bold reply

"I'm not a kid. and no, i'm not scared by you" Seb went to get changed before Kevin could see him. who was that?

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