[10] asarah

177 43 21


Breathe, keep  breathing

For every second your life seems to slip away

And I wish I could hold it back

But I'm helpless sitting beside this cold hospital bed.

Your hands are cold, your pulse is slow

My eyes burn with tears, my soul is being slaughtered

With each passing second, you are slipping away

And I can do nothing but stare at your unconscious face.

The doctor walked out two days later

He wore a grave expression

My heart thumped against my rib cages hard

But it stopped all at once when I heard what he said.

Your pain had permanently been erased

You had found your place among the angels

Heartache ripped my soul into two

As I stared at your lifeless body on the bed.


rest in peace, johannah.

we love you, this one was for you.

all the love, ariadne. xx

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