Chapter Twenty-Six - Unsolved Mysteries

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Thank to everyone who has read, voted, followed and commented.  I appreciate it so much, especially during this trying time of mine.  Thank you again and enjoy.

Thank you to Depecher and BarbaraK2U for your help in editing this chapter.  Thanks again ladies.  

Tobias' POV

I pace back and forth in Amar's office upon learning that the girl that was found assaulted, Myra, died last night from her injuries, a week after she was found. "Did they find anything on her?" I ask, trying desperately not to think about the fact that this dead woman could have easily been Tris.

Amar leans forward in his chair, placing his elbows on his desk to rub his face. "Four, the only thing the authorities found on the girl, aside from her shredded clothing, was her purse, which had no cash in it. The only oddity about the situation is that none of her jewelry was taken. Her car has been reported missing by her parents. Several search parties have been sent into the woods close to where she was found, but there has been no luck yet in finding it."

I run my fingers over my head, pulling at my short hair. Why would someone take the cash, but leave the jewelry behind? Why would they take the car, but leave the body on the side of the road hours later? "There weren't any fingerprints anywhere on her or her purse?" I'm trying to think of anything the authorities might have forgotten or overlooked.

"Unfortunately, there were no fingerprints, just the bruises on her neck, chest, legs, and arms. It looks like whoever did this wiped her clean after they..." He swallows, trying to form his words, "...assaulted her."

I sigh, rubbing the back of my neck. "Have they been able to find whatever gave her the head injury? Maybe they can search for that."

Amar pinches the bridge of his nose, frustrated by this case just as much as I am. "Whatever the murderer used to hit her with appears to be a blunt instrument, likely a large rock. We both know, given the terrain in the area, that there are millions of rocks and plenty of places to throw them, including in the water, which would conceal and destroy the evidence."

I rub my eyes, tired of the conversation, but then something hits me. I look up at Amar, trying to remain calm. "Amar, do you know what this sounds like?" My voice is barely above a whisper.

Amar looks up, his face grave. "I know. It sounds exactly like Elizabeth's death. Don't mention anything to Matthew, though. I don't think he would be able to handle knowing that her killer may have struck again, and so close this time."

"I'm just glad he hardly speaks with anyone these days. I've heard several recruits speaking about it in the mess hall," I respond.

Tris is being watched by Matthew right now, and I highly doubt either one is bringing up the topic of Matthew's past or the dead woman, Myra. Matthew closed himself off for weeks after Elizabeth's death, pouring himself into his work and shutting everyone out. He's only let a few people back in, and even those people, myself included, only get brief glimpses of the person he was when Elizabeth was still living.

When he finally did open up, at first it was to me, but even that is something of an overstatement. Neither one of us really spoke or opened up much. We had both lost the loves of our lives and only knew that we shared equal amounts of pain.

I feel hopelessness settle into my chest with the thought that I was once again completely powerless to stop yet another evil in this world. Another person has been murdered, and we still don't know who did it. The perpetrator is still out there, and could easily take someone else's life. "They still don't have any suspects, do they?"

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