Chapter Forty-Seven - Safe

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I'm so happy that everyone enjoyed the last chapter.  I know we are all glad to finally get out of that camp.  We still have about fourteen chapters left to go, so it's not over yet.  Thank you again for reading, liking, following and commenting.  It really means the world to me.  

Thank you again for Depecher and BarbaraK2U for their endless help.  I really can't thank them enough.  They are truly amazing.  

Tris' POV

I hear muffled voices and immediately recognize the deep voice belonging to Tobias. I keep my eyes closed, not sure if I'm dead or if this is real. All the events over the last few days are blurry and hazy in my mind, and I'm not sure what's real and what isn't. My memory is clear and sharp in some instances, and fuzzy — almost completely wiped away — in others.

I breathe in slowly, trying to rid the ache from behind my eyes. I try to focus on what I feel around me. I don't know if I want to try to think anymore; it hurts too much.

Two of my fingers caress the soft fabric underneath my hand and body; trailing slowly over the material to take in the forgotten feel of softness instead of cold, hard stone. I notice I am warm, dry, and I feel clean, though I'm not exactly sure how that came to be. I know I haven't had a shower in over a week. I hardly feel any pain at the moment, especially not in my leg or fingers.

My eyes snap open at that thought that I'm not in pain, and I breathe in a shaky breath. I look around slowly, my vision blurry at first, but everything comes into focus quickly. I see nothing much beyond the familiar curtain I was accustomed to seeing when Tobias was in this hospital so many months ago, as well as a bedside table with a small bouquet of flowers. I carefully prop myself up on my elbows, my head only swimming slightly, and see that my leg is wrapped up to my knee, hanging in a sling suspended slightly above the bed.

It wasn't a dream. Tobias saved me. I'm no longer in a cold cell, about to die at the hands of Eric. I no longer have to fear him.

I hear a stirring to my left, and a dog's head suddenly appears by my hand. I gasp and yank my hand away, afraid the dog is going to bite me. His tongue hangs out of his mouth to form a doggie grin, his tail hitting the wood floor in a steady thumping rhythm, a slight whine coming from him as he inches his nose closer to me.

I'm startled at first, but then memories of this dog begin to flood my mind as I recognize the markings on his face.

I hear a dog barking in the distance, but the pain is so excruciating that I'm not even sure if that's what I'm hearing. I grab at my leg, grinding my teeth together to keep from screaming once more; trying to protect myself even though it's inevitable what is going to happen. Eric is going to do unspeakable things to me just before he kills me. No one is coming for me. Not even Tobias.

I close my eyes tightly, feeling the tears slide down my cheeks against my will. I'm never going to see Tobias again. My last memory will be of Eric raping me.

I feel Eric's hand grab my shoulder to turn me to him, and I flinch away from the rough touch with what little strength I have left. I hear him chuckle at my pathetic attempt to get away from him, but suddenly the sounds of growling and snarling fill the small cell.

"Shit!" Eric yells. "Ow! Fuck!" I no longer feel Eric's hand on my shoulder, and I close my eyes tighter, curling into myself. This has to be a dream, or maybe I'm dying. There's no other explanation for my hallucinating that Eric has stopped his advance.

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