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Looking out his office window at the rain streaming down the glass has a calming affect on me. Complete opposite from the turmoil raging inside. Closing my eyes I see Conner and his boyish face that held the world captive with his charm.

Conner forgive me. A lone tear streams down my face as I turn to my father to shatter his world once again.

"I'm leaving" I tell him with as much strength as I can without breaking down

A low growl rumbles in his chest at my disrespect "Genevieve, you know I can't allow you to do that."

I turn sharply and stare into his deep ocean blue eyes "My father can't or my Alpha can't" I spat out.

My fathers eyes glow with his beast aching to make me submit. "You know as well as anyone that you can't leave! How many times have you seen females be denied that same request! How many times have you seen me tell them that even though they can't shift they are still part of this pack."

Averting his eyes I recall the times I have seen my father crush the dreams of young girls yearning for more than the forests of Montana.

However, remembering the reasoning every time they were denied fuels my anger once again.

"Yes father how can I forget us females are needed to breed the next generation of wolves. We are stuck here like slaves to submit to our males and produce heirs. Yet somehow, this archaic system is supposed to be worshiped due to our pathetic belief in mates." The word mates rolls of my tongue like acid.

Seething I look at him and deliver the final blow that I know will seal my fate.

"Mates are not a gift from the moon goodness, they are a curse. A curse placed on our kind, a curse that was placed on Conner. That curse killed him!! You-"

I was cut off by my fathers fierce growl as his hand wrapped around my throat. His eyes were glowing, and he was shaking so bad I thought he would shift right here.

"Mates are not a curse! Your mother, your precious mother was never a curse. I would kill a thousand times over to have her back. Conner gave his life to try to save his mate. You wouldn't know hat kind of sacrifice because you have never felt the bond of a mate." My fathers voice broke at the end as he released me and I fell to the floor, wheezing and clutching at my throat.

I knew I was killing him talking this way, and my heart ached at the mention of my mother. I loved my mother more than anything. She always fought for us women to be able to leave the pack to pursue our dreams, even if only for a year. She was fierce and knew how much I wanted to live in the city without being under the watchful eye of the pack males. My mother knew how I felt about mates as did Conner.

My father was the only one who thought i was going through a "phase". Conner knew and as my twin tried to show me the pack life he loved. What he saw as family, and protectiveness, I saw as a cage. My loathing for this live and mates has only intensified since Conner died. He sacrificed himself in battle to try to protect his mate that he hadn't even met yet.

I hated her.

She took him away from me.

If she didn't die that same day I think I would have killed her myself. The emotions that ran through me after losing him would have made me do anything to feel better. Conner was my twin, my other half. Twins were extremely rare in the our world and the bond was sacred. We could feel each others pain miles away. The moment he died sent an agonizing shock throughout my whole body.

It felt like I lost half my sole.

Because I did lose half my sole that day.

Clutching at my neck I come back to the present. I need to leave here. Conner's memory is suffocating me here. I will never climb out of this shell as long I stay here, or in the Lycan community.  I know Conner would want me to put the community first , and help dad heal. But I can't, I just can't.

Looking at my father with tears streaming down my face as I stand up and prepare to hurt him once again.

"I am not asking for permission.  I hate this place, I hate the pack, I hate lycans, and right now I hate you." My voice trembled as the lies poured out.

I loved my father and even though I loathed the hierarchy of lycans, I still loved my pack members. My heart ached at the words I was saying. I only hoped the Moon Goddess would forgive me and grant my wish to be free from here.

My fathers eyes watered at my words and I could hear his wolf whimper. I was his last living pup and his last connection to my mother. Hearing me say these words is visibly shattering him.

"I cant let you go Evie" is voice broke  as he uses my childhood nickname. A name I haven't heard him use in years.

"My wolf he wont allow it, Its taking all my power to hold him back. He will do anything in his power to force you to stay. Your mate is the future of this pack. You are the future of this pack. This is your right, your destiny. How can you just walk away"  His wolf tries to surface at the end but I see my father gain control as he grips the table for support.

"Tonight I will leave. I'm giving up my right, we both know I am not fit to lead this pack in anyway. We both know that I would rather join mother and Conner in the next life than accept a mate. I a,m not in a good place here. As my father and Alpha I am asking you to save me" my voice is breaking as my strong facade is crumbling down around me.

Looking at my father, my alpha right in the eyes  with tears pouring down my face I muster up the strength to say these final words.

"Save me,  give me a chance to survive. A chance to breathe again. I am begging you, I know I am your last pup and you need me close, but the only way to give me a chance at surviving it to let me go. Let me go peacefully"

The tears are so thick I barley make out my fathers face. The emotions in the room are suffocating us both, I can feel his wolf whimpering at the scene. My father looks in agony as his own tears escape down his cheek.

"Go tonight. We will be all the way down at the south border for training. I will keep the north birder clear. You have tonight only, I cant control my wolf longer than that." he tells me with defeat coating his words.

At his words I feel my sole flicker at the chance to be free of the pain surrounding this place. I move to hug my father one last time but he stops me.

"No Genevieve, I can't. If I touch you now I wont be able to let you go. I love you so much, you remind me of your mother more everyday. You are strong Genevieve, you would have made a great Luna. Go in peace my little one"

My father reached down and inhaled my sent. Taking a deep breath he walked out of his office  leaving me alone.

He's letting me go.

***COMING Soon******

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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