Chapter Nine

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Makayla's P.O.V

After the tears had been dried and the kids were in their carseats, in the back seat of the range rover Damian popped up with when we brought the kids home, we set out on our journey to his parent's house. Damian had helped Lily get into her carseat but I could tell she was still slightly uncomfortable with him and I think he could sense it as well

His hand reaches out and turns the radio on, rock music comes from the speakers startling me but I laugh when I look in the backseat to see Lily throwing her head around with the music. Damian looks in the rearview mirror and chuckles "She's a natural headbanger" He says and glances back at the road before looking back at Lily as we laugh quietly and watch her 

I sit back in my seat and Damian reaches across the console taking my hand into his large one "She has picked up so much from the both of us, it is scary how she could really pass for our child" I say and he smiles and lifts my hand to his lips lightly kissing the back of my hand

"Blood doesn't always make a family a family, even though you are blood related, it's the bond that makes us one" I smile at his words squeezing his hand as he smiles back at me "So I think my grandmother will be here tonight as well. She never takes to people the way she did with you Makayla. You fit so perfectly with my family, it's as if you've always been apart of it" His words leave me speechless. I've always dreamed of belonging somewhere and I haven't even realized it yet but this is where I belong, I was always meant to find my way here with him

"KayKay" I turn to face Lily and she's already staring at me 

"Yes princess?" I look her over looking for any sign of injury, finding none I look back up at her face and see her smiling at m e

"You and Uncle Damian remind me of mommy and daddy" She says making my eyes tear up as I remember how in love my parents were. They had been high school sweethearts and were still completely in love the last time I had seen them. Sure they had their problems but they always pulled through together and came out stronger than before. They had so many pictures from over the years that they had been together, I loved to sit with the photo albums and admire their relationship, I always told my mother that I wanted the same kind of relationship when I got older... I just didn't know I'd find it at my young age and certainly not in this fashion but I found it and that's all that matters 

"Is that a good thing?" Damian asks from beside me, pulling me from my thoughts and I nod quickly 

"My parents were high school sweethearts and were madly in love" I smile and he grins causing my heart to melt at the sight. "I always told my mother I wanted a relationship like theirs and I haven't even taken the time to realize I had found it" His grin gets bigger if possible as he pulls into the driveway to his parent's house

The night goes by rather fast, his mother and Lucy kept Dj the entire night and Damian had been taken away by his father after dinner. His grandmother, Rose, had pulled me to the side after dinner and that leads to my current situation 

"Damian has to take the thrown Makayla" She says "He has been preparing for it more than anyone. He has been through all the test and training to get him ready, I trust handing him the crown. You have to convince him" 

I nod before responding "I am going to try my best. He was so determined when I first got here but after the incident when he was supposed to be crowned he said that he had already talked to you about a sibling taking it instead. I tried talking him out of his decision but he said he didn't want to miss any of Dj's life and that he would while traveling" I explain and she rolls her eyes 

"If he's worried about that then he can just take you all with him while he's visiting the others around the world. It will give him the opportunity to gain the support and it will give you and Lily a chance to experience an once in a lifetime opportunity. It might be the only chance you all have to literally go all over the world" She says and I hear someone clear their throat behind me, I already know it's Damian without looking 

"Grandmother, I thought we had already discussed this" His voice holds authority but is also gentle towards his sweet and elderly grandmother

"You discussed it and I told you I would think about it Damian, I have complete trust in handing you everything. I might not have the time to train one of your sisters and their partner. I'm dying Damian and I have to make sure everything is in order before it's too late" I'm in total shock as I watch Damian's reaction. His face drops and he tears up

"What are you talking about?" He asks quietly "Is this a joke?" 

Rose shakes her head "Only Callie knew, I have cancer... I've been trying to hold myself up but I don't think I can any longer Damian. I need to know the future of our species is going into the right hands" She says and I stand up excusing myself from the room but Damian wraps an arm around my waist before pulling me close to him 

"What about Makayla? Lily? Dj? Their safety?" He asks and Rose laughs quietly 

"They will be just fine, when you take the throne every werewolf following the family will be ready to risk their lives to protect their alpha/king, luna/queen, and the prince and princess. They will never have to worry about a thing" She smiles at us "I know Makayla is scared she won't be able to do her job as a queen or luna but she does the main job like it's nothing and that is being there to support you and keep your head on straight. She has already gave you a child to take your place when you're finished and she fits in as if she's one of us. You two are the perfect couple for the position" 

Damian lets go of me and walks towards his grandmother. He wraps his arms around her in a gentle hug "Okay grandmother, I will do it as you wish." 

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