Renee stopped me from leaving the room so that she could finish my nails before everything started and Lucy went to go find Damian and get my son. She finishes painting them a pearl white and pulls out a jewelry box. She looks at my ears making sure they are pierced and pulls out gold hoops and a gold droplet necklace. After she has them on me she pulls out different bracelets just as the door opens and Damian walks in in a hurry and I am in complete shock at seeing him in white
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He looks amazing and I almost forget the issue at hand until Lily runs to him wrapping her little arms around his legs and begins crying again "What's wrong? Lucy seemed worried" He looks me up and down before speaking again "You look gorgeous baby" He says quietly making me blush and then snap out of it
"There is a girl here that was part of the human selling ring, the same one that had Lily. She came in here in hysterics. She was terrified" I whisper the last part standing up and walking to them "How could that happen?" I ask even quieter
"I am so sorry girls, I don't know how I can promise that. But she will be removed, where was she Lily?" He asks her and she points to the door
"She was the one that was supposed to be getting me ready" Lily says quietly "Can the lady that got sissy ready help me too?" She asks and Renee stands up walking over and takes Lily's hand
"Of course dear but we have to hurry. It's almost time" I smile at Damian
"So soon to be King" I lean to his ear "Will you rule my world tonight?" He groans and gently kisses my neck before relying
"You can guarantee it" He whispers and steps away from me "Let me go handle this situation before you make me forget it completely" He says walking from the room. Renee excuses herself to go get a dress for Lily.
Lily walks up to me and hugs my legs "It's okay Lily, Damian would never let anything bad happen to you" I gently rub her hair and she nuzzles her head against me "You're gonna have to let the nice lady quickly get you ready" I say and she looks up at me
"Okay KayKay" She walks over to the chair I had been sitting in and climbs into it. She swings her legs and hums quietly as we wait. Renee comes in with an adorable dress
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She quickly gets her ready and then Damian walks in "The situation has been resolved. I am so sorry that happened girls" He kisses my cheek and the top of Lily's head "Ready to become queen and luna?"
"I'm terrified Damian" I say quietly and he wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug "What if everyone hates me? Or the idea of a human being queen?" I ask but he just shakes his head
"Renee can you take Lily to my mother?" Renee nods and quickly leaves the room with Lily following closely behind her "Look at me Makayla" He uses his pointer finger to lift my chin gently until we're looking into each others eyes "You will do great, a will do what I was raised to do and you as queen standing by me will support me and together we will take on anything that is thrown our way" He intertwines our fingers together and brings my hand to his lips softly leaving kisses up my hand and forearm "And as for ruling your world tonight, you, me , and the kids will be taking a trip to the Bahamas to celebrate for a week before we have to start traveling and doing speeches"
"I love you Alpha" I say quietly and lean up to kiss his cheek leaving a light red lip print when I pull away "Might want to wipe that off before we go out there"
He chuckles and pulls me against his chest "I love you Luna"
Damian and his father gracefully walk up the stairs and onto the stage while me and his mother make our way behind him with our arms linked. There are so many people standing from their chairs to show respect and in the front sits Renee with Lily and DJ
As we walk up the steps his grandmother meets us and wraps her daughter in a warm embrace and then pulls me in for a hug as I lean down to her level "You're going to do great" They both whisper to me before we walk over to stand behind the guys and Rose walks up to stand in between the men
"As you all know it is now my time to step down from being queen after these many long years since my husband was killed" She pats Damian on the back "But I know my grandson and his wonderful fiance will make a great king and queen" She turns and holds her hand out to me. I place my hand in hers and walk to her and Damian as his father steps back to stand with his wife
"Shes a human!" That is only the first of what sounded like thousands of yells but a few stood out "She can't be a good queen" "She will ruin all of what we have built up" "She isn't what we need!"
"Everyone quiet!" Damian's voice booms and echoes off of the trees around us "I will be your new king and whether you like it or not, my fiance Makayla will be your new queen. You will show her the respect she deserves or you will answer to me personally" He hand is on my lower back rubbing gentle circles trying to comfort me
"Good job son" I hear his father say as him and his wife step up to the other side of me "This family will stand beside these two and support their every decision. I know this isn't what you were all expecting but it is what you will be getting so you need to stop acting childish and grow up"
After everyone is settled down and Damian gives his speech, what was his grandfather's crown is brought out and his grandmother takes her's off and I lean down as she places the crown onto my head before hugging me and kissing my cheek. Damian kneels in front of her and she places his crown on his head before he stands up and leans down to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek as everyone cheeks and Damian pulls me in for a passionate kiss
I am so sorry I have been MIA lately. A lot has been going on in my life but I promise to update more often for you guys. Please leave me some feedback if you'd like, I want to make it the best I can for everyone.