Chapter 4: Nyan Cat

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Cade Ramsey

Chapter 5: Nyan Cat

            I watched as Jack looked eagerly outside to the crowded streets of New York, his expression was enough to make me more than ecstatic that I thought of bringing him along. He had already thanked me about a million times too many and it was beginning to get annoy how grateful one human being could be at one point in time. As long as he cut it out I would bring him out of that town of ours more often.

            Niall and Harry were in the care with us and in their own little private conversation; as much as I wanted to interrupt their thing that was going on I couldn’t bring myself to. Sometimes the better part of my conscience won over the miniature devil that seemed to reside in my head on almost a permanent basis- the thing could make me do some of the stupidest actions imaginable. 

            My thoughts began to stray from the insanely quiet car ride and awkwardness that seemed to spawn form the silence with the addition of an occasional whisper from the boys. I couldn’t help but begin to think of some of the other boys I had been with in my life, both before and after the whole famous thing went down.

            The first boyfriend I actually was in fourth grade, back when boys had cooties and even their touch could make you sick with whatever it was cooties did to you. After so many years I couldn’t exactly remember his name because our relationship lasted a day before I broke up with him for kissing me under the playground at recess. My grandma thought the whole story was the most adorable thing she had ever heard when I told her, much to my disgust.

            Liam was the first boy I had a legit relationship with. He was tall and blonde for a sixth grader as well as a very dirty-minded child. Somehow we ended up together in one of those texting relationships where you never actually talk to each other in school. I think that I broke up with him for having a crush on one of my friends and taking great offense in the whole thing. Plus it wasn’t what I expected, but it was after he had gotten a few kisses out of me.

            Next came John and Keith. They were both my seventh grade loves, John was at the beginning of the year while Keith was more of the end and into summer. It was another situation with Liam with John and then with Keith he moved away and there was a mutual understanding that we were too young to actually make it last, even if he was two towns over.  We had the biggest chance of lasting out of all the boys I ever dated, before and more recently.

            When eighth grade rolled along my career was just starting and I had, what I seem to take from that year, seven million boys flocking me. I was popular back in school because I could dance and sing as well as act if I really wanted to. Our middle school popularity tower wasn’t ruled by the jocks because our grade was probably the least athletic one anyone could ever come across. Somehow I ended up on top until I left, I couldn’t help but wonder who ruled the school when graduation rolled around.

            I bet a million bucks to myself it was Georgie, she was that girl who always seemed quiet until she actually broke out of her shell and we were best friends. Neither of us really opened up to each other and come to think of it we really were only friends because of our “social status”. When I left I could only think that she would have swooped in and told all those people to stay in line. She was a brat when she wanted to be but also the nicest girl alive.

            What really confused me when I thought back on my days in the Middle-of-Nowhere was the whole thing that Jack and I didn’t have very many friends yet I could still have a billion people to talk to at school. When I came home I was always alone unless it was a rare time I hung out with Georgie or maybe even one of the boys I always seemed to have around.

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