Chapter 2: Austin

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Austin's POV

                I should have stayed home. It was the last day of school before summer after all. If it wasn't for my persistent mother I would still be in my bed all nice and warm instead of driving to school.

I smirk as I see a certain dirty blonde walking down the sidewalk. Ah Katie….that name would make most people at school laugh. But me? Nah it makes me smile. She's my neighbor and we've been enemies since I moved here 3 years ago. I don't know why she hates me though. Guess it's because I made fun of her pajamas when I first met her. Though who could blame me she did look a bit ridiculous in Spongebob pajamas.

I slow my car down and drive beside her. She ignores me as usual. We do this every day before school. She walks and I attempt to give her a ride. Am I being a jerk about it every day? Maybe, but she could at least take my help one of these days.

                "Hey Katie! Need a ride?" I holler out the side of my red Range Rover. She keeps walking.

                "Not today not ever Mahone." she says. Damn…one day she'll get in my car.

                "You know most girls would kill to get a ride from me." I persist. Yeah, I'm getting cocky, but it's true. I am one of the most popular kids at our school. Girls fawn over me all the time.

                "Well I would rather die than ride with you." She tries speeding up her walking. If she thinks that by walking faster it's going to get rid of me, then she's mistaken.

                "That's the thing sweetheart. You would die because of my good looks." I grin.

                "Mahone, I wouldn't ride with you if my life depended on it." She says glancing sideways at me in disgust.

                "One day you'll be begging for me." I then hit the gas and speed off towards school.

Why do I torment her every day? Cause it's fun watching her getting all flustered. Plus I think he's weird that she doesn't fawn all over me like most of the girls at school. I like challenges what can I say?

I pull into the school parking lot and park my car. I pull my sunglasses off the dashboard and slide them on. I then grab my book bag out of the passenger side and hop out onto the pavement.

                "Austin!" I hear. I don't have to look twice to see it's my girlfriend Taylor. She walks quickly over to me, her blonde ponytail swishing behind her and her cheerleading skirt swishing around her upper thighs.

                "hey babe." I greet her right before she kisses me.

                "What took you so long?" She asks.

                "Traffic." I lie. Truth is I woke up late. But she doesn't need to know that.

                "Oh." She then drags me into the school where we meet up with my best friend Alex Constancio. We've been best friends since I moved here and found out we were both interested in basketball.

                "What's up man?" Alex holds out his fist, to which I bump with my own.

                "Nothing much man." I grin at him and then open my locker as Taylor's best friends Lucy and Jennifer walk over. I start grabbing random shit out of my locker as Alex and Taylor talk.

                "Ready to go?" I ask shutting my locker. They both nod and we head off down the hallway. I grin as I spot Katie at her locker with her friend Monica. I already know how this morning is going to go. Like every school morning Taylor will pick on Katie, who will get all flustered.

                "Oh look it's Jamie." Taylor says stopping behind Monica and Katie. I smirk as she once again says Katie's name wrong.

                "It's Katie." Katie says shutting her locker and turning towards us, gritting her teeth.

                "Whatever loser. I see you still only have one friend." Taylor gives Monica a dirty look, who looks happy to return it.

                "What do you want Taylor?" she sighs.

                "To congratulate you."

                "For?" Katie asks..

                "Being the school's biggest loser 3 years running." Taylor giggles. I smirk watching Katie's face turn red.

                "I'd rather be a loser than a whore." Katie crosses her arms and Monic smirks.

                "Katie, your outfit is dirty." Taylor smirks.

                "What?" Katie looks down. "No it isn't." she looks up and gasps as Taylor throws her iced mocha in Katie's face.

                "oops. Now it is." Taylor giggles. The expression on Katie's face is priceless that it causes me to laugh.

                "Come on boys." Taylor says before we walk off. To be honest I feel kind of bad for Katie. But hey that's how life goes right?

We walk into our first hour History class and sit down right as the bell rings. Only 7 more class periods and I will be school free.

AN: Welp that's the second chapter :) Leave your comments please and thank you!

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