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"What were you going to tell me?" Lexie asked. She was gripping tightly onto the seat belt.

"It can wait," Mark said with a sigh.

"No, tell me," she insisted. She wondered why Mark wouldn't tell her whatever her had to say.

"Lexie, you know how I didn't come home last night? I got super drunk and I slept with Molly, the woman who did the ultrasound on you," he said quickly. He hoped that if he said it quickly Lexie wouldn't be able to hear him.

"Mark, don't start messing with me. You wouldn't do that, right?" She asked and looked over at him. She hoped it was just a prank. She hoped that he would just say Gotcha!

"I did Lexie, I woke up this morning with no idea where the hell I was. All I remember was she came onto me, but I know we had sex. I wish Derek never called me and asked me to go to the stupid bar, I wish I didn't drink whatever I drank to get me that drunk, I wish I didn't accept that ride home. I just wish I stayed home with you," Mark said with a voice break at the end of the sentence.

"I can't believe you would do that!" Lexie yelled. She was furious. "Son of a bitch, once I birth the girls I'm taking full custody over them! You're not going to get any visiting time!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

"They're my children too! You can't just do that!" Mark yelled back, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Watch me!" Lexie yelled back at him.
Lexie walked into the hospital quickly. She was still furious and meant what she said. After childbirth, she would never want to see Mark again.

Meredith and Miranda saw Lexie and Mark walk in. "Hey!" They said in unison.

"Lexie, can we talk?" Mark said as he caught up to her.

"No Mark, we can't talk! There's nothing to talk about!" She yelled, causing the hospital to go silent.

"Lex-" he started, getting cut off by Meredith.

"Why are you guys here? Did something happen to the girls?" Miranda asked.

"They decided it's time to be born," Lexie said and put one hand on her stomach.
"Okay Lexie, I need you to keep pushing!" Alex said. He was delivering the babies.

Lexie groaned but continued pushing. She was sweating bullets. Lexie held onto Meredith's hand. Every few seconds she would squeeze her hand.

"A few more Lex, I see a head," Alex spoke.
After a while, baby number one came out. Cries filled the room. They didn't just come from the baby, they came from Mark,Meredith,and Lexie.

"I'm an aunt," Meredith said, wiping away her tears.

"You forgot about baby number two" Lexie said to Meredith while tightly squeezing her hand.

"There's a baby number two?" Meredith asked, her face lighting up.

"Surprise?" Mark said, chuckling.

Lexie looked at Mark with a hurt expression and continued pushing, ready to see her children.


"The baby's not coming out." Alex said, looking sadly at Lexie, who appeared to be in pain.

"Do whatever you have to. Save my baby." Lexie said, groaning softly as she continued to squeeze Meredith's hand.

Alex paged Arizona and the two rushed Lexie into an operating room after quickly preparing for a c-section.

"Bailey," Arizona began. "no one gets in or out. Especially Mark and Meredith."

"I've gotta be in there," Mark said, putting on scrubs. "I've got to."
Mark stood outside of the operating room's door, with Miranda Bailey refusing to let him in.

"Uh-uh, Sloan. No one gets in or out, Robbins' orders." Bailey replied to Mark.

"Bailey, please." Mark said, but Miranda wouldn't budge.

Back in the operating room, Arizona began the c-section by cutting a small incision in Lexie's belly.


Cliffhanger, once again! I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, we worked really hard on it. We're writing the next chapter as you read this! JAJAJA, does Lexie and her second baby survive?


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