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hola muchachos AND muchachas!! i hope you enjoyed the book. sorry about the ending! you must all hate us, oops. and sorry that this was kinda short! hope u enjoyed it anyways <3 Emily and I are planning on writing another Grey's book (with probably another one of your fave ships) so tell us who you want it to be about in the comments (-: I'd like to thank you all for reading this and thank Emily for writing it with me! we had a lot of fun during this experience, hope you did too x
until the next book,

-nya 🙂

HEY Y'ALL! Emily here!

This book has been an emotional rollercoaster and we're sad (but also happy) that it's finally ending. How did you like the last chapter? Or the book, in general?


We'd love to know your thoughts on the book. Anything works! Alternative endings, things you like/dislike, things we should have done, things we could/should have done better, or just appreciation.
It means a lot to us!

We're kind of expecting people to say we shouldn't have killed Lexie off, and that's okay! Tell us all of your thoughts!

I would like to dedicate this book to three things.

1. All of the readers. You guys are the best! Thank you for so many reads, votes, and any feedback you give us.

2. Nya. She's my partner in crime, co-pilot, best friend, and mosquito sibling (wink wink, the last chapter!)

3. Slexie. Of course I'm dedicating this book to Slexie. Their relationship wasn't played out well and they deserved so much better. Although, we did kind of play out their relationship horribly as well. Considering we killed Lexie off. To Slexie!

So, you made it to the end! Whether you silently read this book, told us your thoughts while reading it, voted, or commented. It all means a lot and we appreciate it all.


As Nya said, we're thinking about writing another Grey's Anatomy book. We'll definitely pay more attention to this one and try to update it more often. Please also give us suggestions! Maybe a Japril book? Another Slexie book (that's not connected to this one)? Tell us what you'd like to see!

Our thanks to you,

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