Chapter 7

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Jasmine POV

"Uh..Hey! I'm Jasmine." I smiled

"Hey, I'm Dwayne."

Dwayne was smoking hot! He was light skinned curly hair, brown eyes, & he had 1 tattoo that said "L O V E" I fell in love immediately.

"You must be new? Well welcome! Can I see your schedule?"

I hand him my schedule showing him what classes I have with him.

"We have 5 classes together" he smiled

I blushed, "Yeah!"

The bus stopped we were here I went to my locker and my locker was right next to this girl name Taylor, I greeted her..

"You must be Jasmine?"

"How you know me?"

"I'm Ty's cousin!"

All I could say in my head was Shit, shit, shit!


It was first period, I went to my class it was Science I saw so many people I was like damn! But I sat next to this girl named Jessica she seemed cool in fact she was my science partner, she guide me on the project.

"So I'm having this Halloween party wanna come?"


"Oct.30. At 10!"

" I'll think about it!"



It's been days without talking to my sister, I miss her but what ever that song says "FUCK THAT BITCH." I walked down the hall I saw this fine ass girl everyone said her name Jessica I saw her hanging with my sis it was totally a bad call.

"Hey Jessica, I'm Roc."

*She smiled, her dimples show*, "Hey! You must be Jasmine's Brother? Nice to meet you and welcome!"

"Yeah, so I was wondering wanna chill at my house after school today?"

"Sure, I got some movies we can watch I'll bring my clothes incase I sleep over you know."


First bell ringed we both went to our class I was excited I finally met her.

||End Of School||

Jasmine POV

It was the end of school I went to my locker I got my books, gym clothes, and all my items I needed for homework, But as I closed my locker Dwayne approach me.

"Hey have plans this week?"

"Sorry Dwayne, but i have a boyfriend"

"NO! Not a date just a little get together."

*Shit*"Opps my bad, sure."

We walked to the bus stop and god it was hella cowered, so we sat at the front. I heard people whispering and shit about me and Dwayne dating, but I guess it was a rumor?

||Dwayne's House||

I got off the bus, luckily Dwayne followed me to his house, we did our homework went on Instagram, took pictures and watched movies! I was great full to have Dwayne he was like my homie.

I fell asleep on Dwayne's chest, he had some fine ass abs I pretend to sleep but actually I wasn't sleeping.



Jessica came I led her to my room and we watched her favorite movie it was called "Love & hip pop" we laughed and cried there was mad drama but I gotta admit I loved the show.

"Hey I'm going to go freshen, okay?"

"Alright I'll make us some dinner."

I went downstairs and I cooked Jessica & I some food it was shrimp,rice, and chicken.

"Oh my fucking god Roc!" She smiled

"I wasn't trying to impress you Jessica"

Jessica came closer to me, we looked at each other for about 40 seconds and I kissed her on the lips.


Jasmine POV

It was morning my phone had like 10 messages and I glanced it was from Amber I read all of them

"I have to tell you something"

"Can we talk"

"Please answer"

I decided I'll call her when I'm home because I might not know what happen, I tapped Dwayne saying I was going home. We gave each other a hug then I walked to the door and left.

As I was walking, I called Amber


"It's me Amber, I have to tell you something and I need help."

"Uh...I'm not home call you later?"

"Si. Okay I'll call you back in a hour."

I came home and I saw Jessica I wasn't quite surprise but it was whatever.

"Morning Jasmine!"

"Hey girl! What's up?"

"Nothing much, about to leave right now."

"Oh I just came back from a friends house!"

I ran up to my room and called back Amber the phone started ringing she answered,

"What's up?"

"Jasmine, I don't really know what to do.." She said crying

"What you mean?"

"I feel like I've been bipolar since you left.."

"It's okay you can check that out!"

"But I felt bisexual also, that I love two genders I saw this girl today she was my friend from middle school I've liked her since ages but I feel she doesn't like me back.."

"Amber, don't worry everything is gonna be alright talk to her and see what she thinks! I think she might like, you seem like a sweet girl."

We kept talking, she thanked me and she hung the phone up. I couldn't stop smiling because I felt proud of Amber for admitting it. I heard foot steps in my room

"Hey Roc?"

I turned around it was Ty.

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