Toad and Fox Sage

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3rd Person POV

*floating ghost of Jiraiya*

"What? How? Why?"

Were the questions being uttered by a amazingly pale Jiraiya who was just about to have some fun with one of the... ladies in the establishment, that is, before he caught a glimpse of nine fluffy tails waving next to a blond-haired, whiskered boy.

To say that he was petrified with fear was the understatement of the millennium.

"Are you alright, godfather?" Asked Naruto in an amused tone as Kurama sinply snickered at the expected reaction.

"How, why, when?..." was the only response Naruto received for 10 minutes straight

"I think we broke him, kit..." stated Kurama in annoyance.

"Well, guess there is one thing i can do, however, not in here." Said Naruto as he dragged Jiraiya out of the brothel.


"Suiton: Teppodama!" Called Naruto as a water bullet hit Jiraiya's face head on, successfully awakening him from the shock he received.

"N-Naruto! It really is you..." gasped Jiraiya in overwhelming shock.

" Yes... It is me." stated Naruto with a neutral expression...

" How did you find me? Not even my spy network was able to track you." Asked Jiraiya.

"Well, being with the the Akatsuki has its perks-" Naruto was interrupted by Jiraiya's voice

"You were with WHO!?" Exclaimed Jiraiya.

" Do you have any idea how dangerous they are!?" Asked a very shook Jiraiya

" They're not dangerous. Dangerous was being close to that dumb blond student-turned-Hokage of yours." Spat Naruto with disdain to the indirect insult to his new family and home.

"Lets get this over with. You ruined mood. Why were you searching for me?" Asked an irritated Naruto

Jiraiya, at least, had the decency to look sad and disappointed at his student's actions

"I was looking for you to train you to protect yourself from the Akatsuki... but apparently you're better with them. I must say that you caught me off guard with your statement of being with them. Im sorry for the outburst..." stated Jiraiya as he bowed his head

"*sigh* whatever. What was said has been said and there is no way to change it. And i understand your concern. They're after the bijuu for a reason. However, i managed to think of a solution instead of senseless death and destruction. However, I dont know if they will agree with my ideals, so I cannot assure you anything. Is there anything else you wanted me for?" Asked Naruto as he subconsciously petted one of Kurama's tail in deep thought as Kurama unconsciously purred and leaned his tail closer to Naruto until he realized what he was doing. Despite the fact that Jiraiya was trying to conceal his laughter, Kurama had to prove his fear. To prove said fear, he turned to glance at Naruto's head as two blond fox ears began to poke out of the spiked hair. Without further notice...


"OW! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!" Yelled Naruto as he nursed his bitten hand as a small squirt of blood came out of the bite.

" You petted me without asking permission. Also, you were relaxing and you concentrated enough to block out noise. You were drawing in Nature chakra without realizing it." Stated Kurama as a matter of fact while Jiraiya simply gaped at what came out of Kurama's maw.

"Then d-does that mean he is already on the path to bECOME A SAGE!" Exclaimed Jiraiya as steam blew out of his info-overloaded brain through his ears.

"Yes he is. He has MY approval. However, it is still not the time to begin drawing in nature chakra. It could be as dangerous as the toad oil method if done incorrectly. I'm almost certain you understand what I mean, huh, toad sage?" Inquired Kurama as Jiraiya blanched at the memory of Fukasaku and Shima showing him the aftermath of those who attempted the sage training and didnt live to tell the tale.

"Also, he has not passed my test to receive the full approval." Finished Kurama as he vanished in a puff of smoke.

This day couldn't get any more interesting... or so thought Jiraiya. If only he knew...

Hey my faithful readers! Im absolutely ashamed that I have not updated any of my stories for a long time due to a severe case of author's block. However, after indulging in various Naruto fan fictions from multiple sites, also not to the mention my increase in vocabulary, i have come up with many more ideas to write about. So in other words, I AM BACK!
- Eddie (AKA Arashi Uzumaki Namikaze & Baby-Kitsune)

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