One; Shoes

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Grimacing in discomfort I rubbed the cream into my feet. It stung them slightly but I knew that if I didn't do it they would look and feel ten times worse. I sighed as I sat there waiting for the medicated cream to be absorbed into my feet. Father was going on another trip and he hadn't even been home for three days. Ever since the incident he didn't spend more than a week at home before leaving again. I wasn't sure of the last time I actually saw my father, he kept himself so busy. Surely it had to have been at least a month since I actually was in the same room as him. Even though he was home now I hadn't seen him as he was gone before I woke and not back until I had fallen asleep. As strained as our relationship was I still worried about him. Deciding that the cream had sat long enough I put on my slippers and put the cream away exiting my bathroom and walking towards my closet.

I opened the large closet and withdrew a clean uniform, some stockings and undergarments. I shed my robe and quickly changed taking extra care as I pulled on the stockings. Grabbing some shoes my and bag I exited my room and began making my way to the dining room to eat breakfast. Nodding to maids as they passed me I arrived at the dining room just as the cook set my plate at the table. 

He smiled at me as he poured a glass of orange juice "Miss, I have prepared a lunch for you to take to school. Its in the kitchen when your ready." I thanked him and sat down as he went back to the kitchen. I ate quickly as I planned to meet Haruhi before school started in order to work on our project. I made sure to rinse my dishes and grab my lunch before I left for school.


I eased open the door to music room three wary of another flurry of petals assaulting me. Even if the host club didn't meet before school I was still worried about running into them. I sighed in relief to find the room completely empty. Entering the room I placed my schoolbag on the floor near the door. A glance at my watch revealed that I had about ten minutes before Haruhi was scheduled to arrive. I decided to wait here until Haruhi showed up.

It wasn't until about twenty minutes after our scheduled meeting time that I realized Haruhi wasn't coming. I gathered my things and left the room softly closing the door behind me. I joined the other students heading their first class of the day. I was upset that Haruhi had blown me off but I was sure he had his reasons for it. 

I was one of the first ones to class having already been at the school when everyone else arrived. It was quiet in the classroom as I did the equations on the board. I had just finished my work when Haruhi walked in looking nice in his uniform. He approached me with a sheepish smile on his face as he began to apologize "I'm sorry I couldn't make it this morning the bus ran late." "It's alright." I replied giving him a small smile as he sat down at the desk next to me. "I was thinking we could try and meet during lunch. Does that work for you?" I pondered his question mentally going over my schedule in my head before I replied. "That works for me." He smiled and we decided to meet in the cafeteria rather than one of the noisy libraries.

"Oh? Whats this, has Haruhi made a new friend?" I tensed as the teasing voice interrupted my conversation with Haruhi. Haruhi rolled his eyes and turned to face the ginger who was staring at me with a smirk. "Leave her alone Kaoru." Kaoru placed a hand on his heart a look of mock pain on his face. "I'm offended Haruhi, I merely wanted to meet this lovely lady." Haruhi scoffed ignoring Kaoru. I gulped in nervousness as I felt Kaoru's eyes stay on me even as he sat down next to his brother a few rows behind us.

Lunch couldn't have come soon enough, as usual as soon as the bell rang everyone was out of the classroom except me and a few select others, one of which being Haruhi. We walked to the cafeteria together a companionable silence between us as we traveled. Almost as soon as we entered the cafeteria Haruhi was swarmed by adoring girls. It made it difficult for us to find a seat but we eventually did and began discussing our project. 

"I was thinking I wanted to study more about the American Revolution." Harhuhi spoke answering my previous question on what we should base our project on. "The teacher didn't go as much into detail for that as he did other topics and it seemed interesting." I agreed writing down the topic as our basis for our report. "I'll go to the teacher for approval and maybe we can meet again after school to begin our project." I proposed to Haruhi. "I actually have the host club until three. Can you meet me after that in the club room?" I nodded and we gathered our things as the bell rang and we went our separate ways to our next classes.


I was finishing up in the dance hall when I heard the news about the incident at the host club. Apparently Sieka Ayanokoji had been bullying Haruhi and accused him of assault only to be banished from the host club by Tamaki Suoh for her actions. After hearing this I was concerned for Haruhi. We hadn't known each other for long but I felt like we could become good friends, it was this reasoning that led me to head to the host club room early. The club activities had been cancelled due to the incident and so I figured that Haruhi would be ready to meet for our project.

I was now outside the door of the music room preparing to open the doors. I knocked softly and waited for the door to open, not receiving a reply I opened the door slowly as not to disturb anyone. What I saw before me had me shocked, Haruhi was wearing a dress. My gaze traveled around the room spotting the other hosts and gauging their assorted reactions. Thankfully none of them had noticed me yet.

Kyoya turned over his shoulder and mumbled something I didn't quite catch. I gulped and took a step back only for my foot to land on the worlds creakiest floorboard. All eyes in the room immediately turned to me. I flushed under the Host Club's gaze. "I, I think I'm just gonna go now." Before another step could be taken my elbows were in the grip of the Hitachiin twins and my feet were lifted off the ground. "Let me go I didn't see anything I swear." I was placed in a chair in front of Kyoya with a twin on either side keeping me from running. It was silent for a moment until Kyoya spoke "Now we can't let you go just to have you tell our secret can we." I gulped looking anywhere but at him.

My gaze eventually landed on Haruhi sending him or her a pleading look. Getting the message Haruhi stepped forward "Kyoya-senpai I don't think she'll tell, she's only here to work on our history project." Kyoya seemed to ponder this for a moment leaving me to fidget uncomfortably in my chair. "Still I think Ms. Dubois may need some incentive to keep our secret." I gulped nervously searching my mind for something I could offer. "My shoes." the words came out as a whisper. Strange looks were sent my way "I'll give you my favorite point shoes." The boys huddled together seeming to come to a decision before a hand breached my line of vision. I reached into my bag withdrawing my shoes and handing them over.

Tears welled in my eyes as I stood from my chair the Hitachiins no longer keeping me there. I slowly and robotically made my way to the door stopping to grab my bag from where I had dropped it as the twins grabbed me. I hesitated as my hand locked around the doors handle reminded of my original reasons for coming here. "Haruhi the teacher approved our topic." my voice was so quiet I wasn't sure that she heard me until she replied "Liliana, I-." I didn't hesitate any longer swinging the door open and leaving even as I heard the disbelieving whisper of one of the twins mocking me "Its just a pair of shoes."

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