Chapter 13

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Marceline grabbed C.J.'s hand and they both ran across the deck and made it near the control system. Marceline gave a signal and Jeff searched for something to throw. He found a small nail, and threw it near a pile of boxes, creating a loud noise since some of the boxes and crates were shipping containers made of metal or steel. The guard near the control booth ran near the pile of crates to see what had caused the noise, giving Marceline time to grab the small hatch near the panel and let C.J. crawl through. "Marceline, if I die, tell Isaac he's a dick," C.J. said, sitting near the panel. Marceline giggled and nodded, saying, "Well, Jeff's worse than Isaac. But you've only met Isaac when he's in a shitty mood."

Samuel waited for Marceline to give him a signal and so did Isaac. Jeff felt bored waiting, so he began to talk. "So... Samuel I heard talking back at the train station when we were back near the camp, what did you and Marceline talk about?" he asked. Samuel looked down at Jeff, who was looking right at him. Samuel shrugged and said, "Oh ye know, stuff." "'Stuff?' What do you mean 'stuff'? Did you two fuck or somethin?" Jeff asked. Samuel blushed in embarrassment, "What no! I just... we just... we just talked about our lives that all... can we get back to the plan now?!" Isaac rolled in the floor, laughing. "Dude, Jeffrey, that's just cold!" Isaac blurted, but tired to stay quiet. "I know Isaac, it's fun to fuck around with friends, until they blush that is. And Samuel will be fun to dick around with since he's got no fucking clue what goes on in our heads when he talks to Marceline," Jeff said, with a smirk. Samuel rolled his eyes and went back to watching for a signal, but seeing this side of Jeff made Samuel grow uncomfortable around him. If he couldn't even talk to Marceline, who was yes, a gorgeous sight to see, then he didn't want to be around Jeff. Plus Jeff did give him an attitude on the way to the port, after Samuel offered to watch the caboose to make sure that nobody would try to sneak up on them.

Marceline looked down the hatch and asked, "Hey, C.J. are you in there yet?" There was a thirty second pause, then C.J. spoke, "I'm in, but the freaking panel is really complex. I can't get the codes right to open the port."

"Well... is there a button to open it or not?"


"Well... did you even look?!"


"Dammit C.J.! Alright I'm coming in."

Marceline crawled through the tiny space and made it into the control room. Samuel didn't see a signal and motioned for Isaac and Jeff to get up from sitting on a pile of old crates. "What's wrong Sam? And where's Marceline?" Isaac asked. Samuel looked around and saw the guard coming near the control panel. "Guys, I think she went in there," Samuel said, looking at the guard. "Well shit! She was our way out of here!"Jeff groaned. "Now what do we do?" Isaac asked. "We go in," Samuel said, crawling near the panel. "Samuel, are you insane?!" Jeff called. "Maybe I am, but I'm not staying here for the next several years of my life," Samuel called from afar. "He can't go alone. C'mon, lets go," Isaac said, moving towards Samuel. Jeff rolled his eyes and began to complain. Isaac flicked Jeff on the end of his nose and said, "Listen up Jeffery. We don't know what Samuel's been through, so don't treat him like dog shit, got it?" "Jesus okay Isaac, since when did you trust him? You tackled him when he tried to shoot Marceline," Jeff said, letting his bad mood show with his facial features. Isaac grabbed Jeff's arms and forced him to follow behind.  

Marceline came into the panel room and saw a large row of buttons and wiring. C.J. was in a corner, trying to figure out a way to open a shipment port. "C.J., get up, I think I might know what to do," Marceline said, spotting a small control with four buttons on it. C.J. got up and followed Marceline to the control. Marceline grabbed the small controller and saw two rows, with two buttons on each one. Then she focused her eyes on a large button on the bottom row. it was a large, green button, with the words, "Gate Open Signal," imprinted in bold letters. "This has to be it! It has too," she said to herself. Marceline pressed the button and heard a large alarm go off near the decks. C.J. looked outside the  hatch and saw a large port deck beginning to separate. "Marceline look!" he called. Marceline turned around and saw from the hatches door, the port decks opening. "Yes! Lets go get the others," she motioned for C.J. to follow her out of the panel and onto the decks.

When they crawled out Marceline came face to face with a man in a blue uniform, it was the guard who'd been distracted. He stopped them from getting any further and demanded, "What were you two kids doin in there, aye?"  "Oh crap," C.J. mumbled to himself. Marceline looked around and saw Samuel in the distance, hiding out behind a large load of crates. Then she looked back up at the guard, who had a stun gun in his hands, aiming it at Marceline who was keeping C.J. from harm. Samuel saw the stun gun and ran out from the crate pile. Jeff and Isaac followed and hid behind the guard. Marceline looked to the left and saw Samuel with a rusted nail in his hand. He jammed the nail in the guards arm , making him drop the stun gun. "Run, now!" Isaac called, running near a ship about to deport. Everyone ran as fast as their tired legs could take them and jumped into the boat. They all hid under a tarp, covering boxes and crates that were being shipped to Germany. "Now what?" C.J. asked. "Isn't it obvious? We get to Germany, and try to find a better route to America," Jeff said, with a stern tone. "Well, you're right about Jeff being the bigger dick than Isaac," C.J. whispered to Marceline. Marceline laughed out loud and said, "C.J., language!" "What's so funny?" Isaac asked. "Oh nothing, just nothing," Marceline replied, with another giggle. "Why are you such a giggly bitch today?" Jeff asked. "I'm just laughing at  C.J. saying that you're a dick, my friend," Marceline said, patting Jeff on his back. "Oh my god, we have the same opinion C.J.!" Samuel said sarcastically, nearly getting slapped by Jeff. C.J. laughed, "I like you already, pretty boy." "Well, at least were still alive," Isaac said. Everyone agreed to that and watched the sun set near the port, and the ship took off.

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