Chapter 20

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"So, Ivy you really do trust us, right?" Isaac asked, sitting on a table. Ivy nodded, "Yeah, plus I don't see any of you, even C.J, being bad kids." "Good to know," Jeff added. The group had nothing to worry about now, they could trust Ivy with the things that they had been through. "I do have one question though," Ivy noted. "Oh great, what is it?" Jeff said with sarcasm. "What's the food like in a juvi camp?" she asked. They all snickered, "Not good," C.J. said. "They served us nothing but soup, and it tastes like shit," Marceline added. Ivy laughed, "Alright then, you guys want some real food?" she asked, putting some euro coins in the vending machines. "Uh hell yeah, we're all starving," Jeff said, running to the vending machines. "Just punch the numbers and letters and well, it's a vending machine you'll figure it out," Ivy said, pushing a button and grabbing a soda. Jeff looked at the vending machines buttons and said, "Uh, Ivy, the buttons are in German, so are the labels." Ivy came over and explained the numbers and letters to Jeff. "Chips are kartoffelchips, trail mix is studentenfutter, chocolate bars are schokoladenriegel,  and the sodas are the same as their labels," Ivy explained. "Oh, okay," Jeff said with realization. 

The group all grazed on junk food, like chips, trail mix, and chocolate bars. "This has to be, the best day of my life so far," Marceline said, lying on the cold concrete floor with chocolate stuffed in her mouth. Isaac nodded, "Yeah, I'm not a fan of chips but I'm glad it's not soup again." "Can we do this, like, all the time?" Jeff asked, after inhaling a bag of Chex Mix. "Well, not all the time, but on some occasions," Ivy noted, sipping her Sprite Zero. Bear walked into the break room, looking over a sea of stuffed kids with chocolate and soda all over their faces. "I recon that you kids had a good meal?" Bear asked, grabbing a Coke out of the vending machine. C.J. nodded, "Yeah, this is the best meal that I've had all week." Bear smiled and took a long slow sip of his Coke. "Well, thank you kids for doing the laundry, not many staff members volunteer to do it because of the smell," Bear said, leaning against the wall. Marceline smiled with a bit of chocolate on her lips, "No prob Bob, we all have done laundry once in our lives. Well, everyone but C.J.," she said, wiping her face with her sleeve. "Well, I'm glad to hear it," Bear said, as he walked out of the room. "I'll talk to my dad and Bear about keeping you guys here for a while, plus, I might try to help you all get out of Europe," Ivy said, eating a candy bar. Isaac smiled, "Thanks Ivy, by the way, are you American or German?" Ivy shrugged, "Does it matter? We're all equal aren't we?" "I'm just asking Ivy," Isaac said, as he examined the room with tired eyes. 

"Well, I used to live in New Zealand, then we moved to America to help my moms mom, then we moved to Germany about four years ago, making me fourteen," she explained, throwing her Sprite bottle away. "You don't have to follow us Ivy, we're just going back to America," Jeff said. "I don't like it here okay? I am native to New Zealand, not Germany. I want to live with my grandma, at least I know she's doing great," Ivy said, plopping on the floor. Samuel sighed, "I know what you mean Ivy. I've been running for eleven years out of fear and desperation for freedom. But I don't think I'll be getting that any time soon. That damn gang's been after me for eleven, fucking, years. And now, well, I have no idea what's going to happen to me." Marceline scooted over to Samuel and handed him a Coke. "You could use a boost man, you look tired," she said, setting the Coke next to his gun. "Hey Samuel, what's with the gun?" Ivy asked. "Self defense, also it's a pellet gun, it couldn't do much to someone but shoot out their eyes or bruise their skin. Trust me, I know. I've accidentally shot myself several times," he said, opening the Coke bottle. "Thanks Marceline," he added, handing her a bag of cheddar popcorn. Marceline smiled and opened the bag. "Your welcome," she replied with a mouth full of popcorn. Samuel giggled as Marceline nearly choked on the popcorn, but she ended up spiting one of the kernels across the room. 

Soon the sun began to set on the long yet short day for the group. Ivy closed the blinds in the break room but left one window open for fresh air. "I'll go and unlock the room," Jeff said, taking the room keys from Isaac's hand. "Thanks Jeff!" C.J. called from the break room. Jeff waved and ran back to the room. "You know Marceline, I have some clothes that you might fit in for pajamas," Ivy said, sitting next to her. "Oh yeah," Marceline shrugged. "Yeah, only my bust might be a bit bigger, what size are you?" Ivy asked. "I think like, A 32 or something?" she guessed. "Well I'm an C 32 so... good luck with that," Ivy said. They both laughed and walked out of the break room.

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