Chapter 8

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Summer POV
I woke up in Louis sweatshirt, it was big on me and long, covering up to around mid thigh... so I took my pants off because I got hot. Man, Louis looked so cute asleep! His hair was really messy from me running my hands through it. Last night... us kissing. Wow, it was unbelievable! He has some talented lips, ours just need to mould together! He was so sweet when we kissed. It was passionate but not lustful. We were all over each other but didn't go too far. I felt really loved.
"Morning" he kissed my neck
"You missed" I smirked
"Of course" he cupped my face and pecked my lips sweetly
"You look really good in my sweatshirt" he turned me to where I was on top
"I like it, it's cozy!" I sat up to where I was straddling him
"I'm guessing your gonna take my t-shirts and sweatshirts in the relationship" he chuckled
"I'm guessing your gonna be the one to remove them off me when you want them,or me" I smirked
"Cheeky, I like that" he rubbed circled on my legs
"But you probably won't get many of your tops back once you let me borrow them" I chuckled
"I'm okay with that" he pulls me into a kiss
"Good, because this one is gonna magically disappear" I smirked
"It's pretty hot to see you in my clothes" he chuckled
"I'll have to wear them more often around you" I giggled
"Is there anything else I should know about you?" he questioned
"Well... a major turn on is cigarettes" I bit my lip as a blush came up
"You smoke?" his eyebrows furrowed
"Occasionally" I shugged
"I find that damn hot" he smirked
"What turns you on?" I asked
"Things that are hidden... it's weird" he shugged
"Tell me more about it" I was interested
"Like if you have a birthmark or a tattoo, even a scar... and it's hidden so when you are fully revealed to me I see them all" he bit his lip
"I love that" I smiled
"Where did you cut?" he asked shyly
"My wrists and thighs" I sighed
"I will kiss every old one and every new one" he promised
"I don't think there will be any new ones" I smiled
"Because of me?" he asked
"Yes" I nodded
"What else do you like?" he asked
"When you do something intimate but not sexual... like relaxing in a bubble bath or a private dinner" I grinned
"It seems lovely not to want to fuck someone senseless but simply enjoy them..." I said sheepishly
"I like that" he tucked my hair behind my ear
"I love backward hugs... like a distraction. Kisses behind my ears, jumping on my back, being random with affection" he grinned
"We will get along just fine" I kissed him softly
"I knew that" he smirked and kissed back
After our morning make out session, we got out of bed.
"Morning" I smiled at Lauren
"Hey" she smirked at Louis' messed up hair
"Lou, it looks like a bird nest!" Brody laughed
"Yeah... I'm gonna go take a shower, I'll be back babe" he pecked me on the lips
"Oh my God... spill, everything!" Lauren gushed
"Well... we started kissing" I bit my lip
"No shit, sherlock! Oh my God!" She shrieked
"How good of a kisser is he?" she asked
"I go weak, and I feel numb and completely oblivious to what's going on around us... it's just so spontaneous and exciting" I could feel the heat rushing to my face
"So he's your boyfriend?" Brody asked
"He hasn't asked me yet" I sighed
"he is, just didn't know if he did it yet" Brody shrugged
"Summer, we get to go to the beach today!"Daisy laughed
"Yeah I can't wait!" I smiled
"I'm gonna build a sand castle" Phoebe smiled
"I'm gonna build a better one" Daisy grinned
"Im gonna look for pretty shells" Brody chuckled
"Come here bug!" I picked him and and sat him on the counter
"I'm not letting you look for sea shells unless I can come with you" I tickled him
"Of course you can" he laughed
"Good" I kissed his cheek
"Your the best Summy" he hugged me
"Can we call you Summy?" Phoebe asked
"Sure" I smiled
"But it's cuter when I do it" Brody stuck his tongue out at the twins
"Your something else" I picked him up and placed him on my hip
"You look like a mom" Fizzy took a picture
"She practically raises him" Lauren smiled
"What do you mean?" Lottie asked
"Moms to busy with her boyfriend" Lauren rolls her eyes
"He was the nurse that was at the hospital when Brody was born" I sighed
"Summy does the real work... mom just takes credit. She drives us around, comes to our competitions, brings us to the doctor, takes care of us... Only thing she didn't do was give birth to us" Lauren sighed
"Come here" I waved Lauren over and gave her a big hug
"What's gonna happen when you go to college?" Lauren asked
"I'm not" I admitted
"Are you gonna leave us?" Brody asked
"No way, I'm staying with you guys" I kissed his head
"Can we join the hug?" Lottie asked
"Of course" I smiled
There we were in the kitchen hugging when Louis came in.
"I guess I can learn to share" he joined
We all stepped back.
"So what's going on?" Louis asked
"My sister was just being incredible" Lauren smiled at me with pride
"What's new?" he smiled at me
"Summy?" Brody cuddled into my neck
"Yes?" I asked
"Could you and Louis be my parents?" he played with my hair
The whole room went silent.
"Honey, If something were to happen to mom I am your guardian but, moms okay" I panicked
"Okay" he sighed and relief came over me
"How about breakfast?" I asked
"Eggs?" Louis asked
"Yeah I'll start them now" I put Brody down
I focused on cooking while Louis entertained the group. The boys walked in saw breakfast and decided to stay. While cooking I felt a hand snake around my waist and a kiss be placed on my head.
"You know, you look pretty adorable cooking" Louis said
"Thank you" I placed the eggs on the plate and put it on the counter for someone to take
"I like seeing all these sides to you" he seemed impressed
"The cook, the rebel, mother, wild child, and the perfect wife" he smirked
"Your easily impressed" I giggle
I finished cooking and cleaned up while everyone ate.
"Louis, she's a keeper" Niall smiled
"Thank you, Summer" Liam and Zayn said
"Your gonna have to teach me how to make eggs like this" Harry stuffed his mouth
"Glad you like them" I smiled
"Wife material right here" Louis smirked
"Your so easy to please" I rolled my eyes
"I'm not so sure about in bed though" Harry laughed
"She'll find out soon enough" Louis shrugged and Liam spit his orange juice
"Sorry" Liam laughed
"It's fine" I got some paper towels and cleaned it up
"See ,again! Wife type" Louis pointed out
"Your so silly" I shook my head
"She can clean, cook, can she do laundry?" Harry laughed
"I'm not sure, but we had a discussion on her planing to steal my sweatshirt" Louis chuckled
"Is comfy!" I defended
"After hot steamy sex, you could wear his shirts" Harry laughed
"Your a morbid creep" I rolled my eyes
"Oh, that reminds me we are gonna go shopping for your gifts today!" Niall put his plate in the sink
"You don't have to get me anything" I smiled
"We aren't gonna listen to you on that one" Liam laughed
"no one will beat what I got you" Louis smirked at he sat me on his lap
"You really can't" Liam sighed
"I know I'm gonna love it" smiled at Louis
"Well, we are gonna go to the mall, we will meet you guys at the beach after lunch" Zayn waved goodbye
"Let me go change" I tried to get up
"Louis, let go" I giggled
"Fine..." he sighed and I walked to my room
I changed into my coral one piece what had a cut out in the back. I grabbed my sandals, and brought my sunglasses and phone in my waterproof makeup bag that I'm gonna carry.
"Looking sexy" Louis bit his lip when I walked out
"Everyone's getting ready and It took me all but five seconds to change pants" he shugged
"How about a walk on the beach?" I asked randomly
"Later I mean..." I bit my lip
"I'd love to after I beat you at surfing" he smirked
"Ready!" Brody ran in with his floaters on and all
"Come her" I plopped him on my lap
"Who's my favorite main man?" I cooed
"Meeee!" he giggled
"Well" Louis smirked
"He's four" I rolled my eyes
"And I'm twenty two!" he mocked
"But I'm cute" Brody laughed
"Your both my favorite guys here" I giggle
"Here?" Louis smirked
"Oh you know I love you" I pecked him in the lips
"Where's my kiss?" Brody crossed his arms and laughed
"Right herrrrrrre" I attached him with little kisses
"Mother material" Louis smiled
"She would be the best mom" Lauren came out in shorts and a tank
"Why no swim suit?" I asked
"Period" she sighed and both Brody and Louis cringed
"You have sister, you know this" I rolled my eyes
"It's yucky" Brody growled
"We are all ready" the lovely Tomlinson girls came out
We all got in the SUV we rented for the trip and I sat in the front holding Louis hand.
"Shit, cameras!" Louis groaned, surly there were paparazzi at the end of the gate
"We can loose them" I bit my lip
"Look at the floor!" I told the kids
"How are we gonna lose them?" he asked as we slowly escaped the gate
"Car wash" I smirk
"Your brilliant, I love you!" he nodded
We pulled on the side of the car wash making it look like we entered the wash. The back vans all were waiting at the end and Louis pulled out and we went back to the highway and carried on with our trip to the beach.
"Think they got any pictures?" he asked
"Only of us maybe in the front" I bit my lip
"Good" he gritted his teeth
We got to the beach that was empty.
"Private beach" he smiled
"Oh course" I smirked
Louis installed the umbrella and I was helping spray the little ones with sunscreen. By the time he was done, they were playing in the water, Lauren, Fizzy, and Lottie were tanning,and I was spraying my body with sunscreen!
"Your really cute, you know that?" Louis came up behind me
"Your a real flirt, do you know that?" I mocked him
"Yes, now answer my question" he smirked
"Let me tan" I giggled
"You won't answer" he whined
"Yes, I am cute with you" I rolled my eyes
"Hey, Summy?" Brody came up
"Hey boo" I grinned
"Can you help me find pretty sea shells?" he took his floaters off
"Yeah!" I smiled
We walked along the beach, picking up only the shells Brody would approve of, and talking.
"So how do you feel about Louis?" I asked
"He's awesome! I like him a lot" he picked up another shell and put it into his pale
"How do you feel about Louis and me being... together?" I picked up a shell and he nodded
"I think I better be in the wedding, later" he laughed
"Really?" I chuckle
"He makes you happy, your not always like that! I've seen you really sad and cry a lot... but now I see you laugh a lot and your all good! No more lines!" he held my hand
"I love you Brody" I picked him up to give him a great hug and kiss
"I love you too Summy" he snuggled to me
"Wanna go back?" I asked
"Yeah, I have enough shells" he looked in his pale
"Wow! what are you gonna do with them?" I asked
"Give them to my special friend" he smiled
"They will love them" I kissed his forehead
"Your such a girl" he groaned
I walked back to Louis who was playing with the twins in the water.
"Surfing, now!" he ran to me and I put Brody down
"But you didn't bring any boards" I knitted my eyebrows
"In the shed over there, babe!" he smirked
"Oh... okay let's surf!" I smiled
We grabbed our boards and ran into the water! We sat for all but 10 minutes before a wave came and I went for it. Before I knew it, I was riding the wave with a satisfied smirk. We surfed for an hour or so until the boys came.
"Hey guys" I walked out of the water
"I thought we were gonna catch you down in the sand..." Harry smirked
"Be careful Styles, before someone catches you with a swollen lip" Louis chuckled as he wrapped an arm around me
"Now that the babysitters are here... we are gonna go on a walk!" I handed my board to Liam, Louis handing his board to Niall, we joined hands and ran farther into the beach.
"First celebrity crush?" Louis smirked
"Peter Pan" I giggled
"The man in tights" he chuckled
"All time favorite tv show?" I asked
"Jake and the never land Pirates, duhh!" he chuckled
"Come see" I pulled his hand down for us to sit
"I thought this was a walk?" he smirked
"If you rather walk and talk that's fine, but I rather kiss your lips" I smirked
"Your cheeky when you wanna be" he chuckled and kissed me
His hands cupped my face, slowly one of his hands moved down to the small of my back. I had one arm wrapped around his bare torso and a hand tangled in his hair.
"Your addicting, you know that" he mumbled between the kiss
"Your gonna be the death of me" he sighed and pulled away
"I'd attend your funeral" I pecked his lips with a giggle
"I rather die before you, I don't think I could handle not talking to you now" he held my hand
"I think I'd die inside if you left this world... well considering you have became most of my world" I said shyly
"Promise me something?" he tilted my chin up
"If you ever feel scared, depressed, upset, anything, you'll talk to me instead of doing something drastic that you will regret" he bit his lip
"Louis, I'm happy! If there is a time when I'm not, I'll go to you for kisses and other things that cheer me up" I grinned
"I'm trying to be serious. I care about you and any harm you are put through is something I will not be able to bear watch you fight." he had his arm around me Securely
"I love that you care about me like that" I blushed
"I have had some strong feelings for you, like no other ever experienced. I know I could take care of you, love you, protect you, make you happy... I am determined to do so" he looked at the ocean
"Louis, you do that already" I leaned my head on his shoulder
"I will until forever" he kissed the top of my head
"Why?" I asked
"Because I love you deeply" he smiled
"Why? Like why did you want me?" I sat up a bit
"Your joking right? Your flawless, absolutely breath taking, gorgeous...your original and funny, you have this great personality that radiates, you are incredible talented, and your special, unique, and different in every way" he grinned at me
"And those are only the things I can think of but give me some time I could pull out some more" he smirked
"We should get back" I sighed
"No, I wanna kiss a little longer..." he pulled me on his lap and attached his lips to mine
Finally I got him to come back to me, we raced to the kids!
"Your running from Louis already?" Niall laughed
"Race" I panted
"Summer went pretty fast" Louis scowled
"That's what you do in a race" I was still catching my breath
"Track?" Harry asked
"No, hiding from people become a real task in high school" I giggled and the boys joined our laughter
"We wanna go back" Daisy ran up and hugged my leg
"I'm hungry" Lottie complained
"Sand is in places sand shouldn't be" Lauren's attitude came
"I'm tired" Brody went to Louis
"How about we go to the cabins,get some food on the way there, take showers, and then some naps?" I scooped Brody up
"Can I nap with you, Summy?" he yawned
"Of course" I pecked his cheek
We loaded up the SUV, and drove back. Near the cabins there was a Raising Canes, so we went through the drive though and got our food. By the time we walked though the door we all looked like zombies!
"Eat then shower, but wash your hands first" I pointed them to the sink
"I got the kids, why don't you go take your shower first?" Louis offered
"Thanks" I softly smiled and walked to the bathroom
After a nice warm shower, I changed into a grey romper and Dutch braided my hair. I walked out and everyone was crowding around the tv.
"Hey, guys what's up?" I tilted my head
"Summer... we need to talk... I have something's to explain" Louis got up slowly
"What do you mean?" I asked looking at the tv
"Louis Tomlinson's tell all about his long term, secret, relationship he's been hiding from the world" I read the screen with anger
"They make it seem worse than it is" he defended
"Your dating someone?" I asked tears welling up in my eyes
"No, I was in an interview and they mentioned you! Then the co-host and I got to talking and he said if I gave him a story about us, he would keep the paparazzi away!" he stepped towards me, only for me to step back
"So you were embarrassed to be seen with me,now?" I asked letting the tears escape
"No, no, honey" he approached me once again, this time I ran into my room
"Listen, babe! Let me explain better!" he knocked on the door
"Please?" he sounded desperate
"Love, I'm sorry!" He frustratedly said
"I'm gonna stay here all night, you will have to come out eventually" he sighed
I pondered for a moment or two. My bathroom is connected to only my room, I starve and purge on a regular basis so my body is use to it, and the only way I would come out of my room would be for Brody or Lauren. I didn't have to leave at all. I needed to release...
Walking towards my bathroom I fell to my knees at the toilet. I've done it so much, my body throws up at the sight of it. I felt week, I grabbed the counter corner and it helped me up. I needed more than that... I needed pain, more than I was in now. I found a disposable razor that was new but not mine.. I took it. The feeling of the sharp metal cutting into my skin, the burning soreness captivating my arm. I put the razor down and watched the blood raise to the skin and slowly drip down my arm. I just watched it, didn't cry anymore, didn't think about it, all I did was take in the sight.
My blood dried and now I was laying on my bed with my beats on listening to my depressing playlist, drowning out Louis' pleas of forgiveness and entrance.
Hours past.My playlist is no longer playing, Louis is silent, I am a reck, and ABC family is playing The Notebook... that reminded me of Louis first kissing me. As my mind wandered and analysed me and his relationship I got a text message from Louis...
-I know you don't want to talk to me, I get I hurt you but, I haven't been given a proper opportunity to explain myself better. I love you so much and I hate to see you so miserable on the count of me. I'm so deeply sorry and I hope you can forgive me.
~your right, I don't want to talk but, being fair, I will listen to your explanation and consider accepting your apology
Immediately, there was a knock at my door. I slowly opened the door and Louis was there... with flowers.
"I am such a bloody idiot..." he sighed
"I agreed because no publicity was something I needed. I wanted you and I to have private moments and I have gotten just that. Believe me, I want to show you off to the world... but for this trip I like you being just mine, as selfish as that sounds. About the show, I'll tell them no! If I'm hurting you this much, it's not worth it." he cried softly though his speech
"If you want to quit us while we are ahead, tell me..." he breathed
"Please, say something... anything?" he bit his lip nervously
I didn't talk, I just kept eye contact and embraced him. I tilted his chin down and got on my tippy toes to give him a large kiss.
"I said I didn't want to talk" I smirk
"Are we okay?" he asked
"We are perfectly fine" I clung to him in a comfy hug
"I won't be doing that show, don't you worry" he sighed
"No you won't because I wanna join you" I superiorly smiled
"No way, they ask a lot of questions... really personally questions... and I don't want you to get interrogated with them" he shook nervously
"Like?" I folder my arms as confusion took over me
"I've taken El on TV before and they just ruin things! They ruined me and her, they ruined her! I'm beyond happy with you, I can't let them ruin it" he cupped my face softly
"Then go on the show alone" I sighed
"I want you in the front row though" he softly smiled
"I have to make sure you don't spill all our secrets" I smirked
"Not our dirty little secrets" he chuckled
"I love you bae" I said in my very adorable baby voice
"I love you more" he said back leaning his forehead against mine
"Impossible" I bit my lip
"I actually thought I was gonna have to sleep in my own bed tonight" he laughed softly
"I'm still gonna steal a shirt or sweatshirt either way" I smirked and walked to his cabin
"Why are we coming in here?" he asked
"I felt like it" I shrugged and opened his drawer to find his t-shirts and jumpers
"I'll be borrowing this one" I pulled his have a nice day shirt
"That's my favorite shirt" he smiled
"Do you want me to use a different one?" I asked
"No, i wanna see my two favorite things tonight" he smiled and kissed my temple
"Now, let's go back in your room" he pulled my hand through the rooms until we reached mine
"movies?" I suggested
"Yeah, love actually tonight" Louis read the title
"Are we gonna end up making out again?" I smirked putting my hand on my hip
"If I'm lucky" he winked
I began to change, not minding he was in the room.
"What are you doing?" His eye grew
"Oh grow up! It covers what it needs to cover" I rolled my eyes as I sighed
"You don't do this in front other guys right?!" he asked
"No, just you" I slipped his shirt on top my bra and panties it coming to about three inches past my butt
"Good, I don't want any guys having peeks at your incredible body" he picked me up bridal style
"Well besides my brothers..." I shugged
"How much have they seen" he asked taken back, placing me gently on the bed
"Brody has seen me in bra and panties and Ryan has seen it all I think... but don't worry,he's gay" I had to think about it for a second
"Why did Ryan see all of that?" he asked
"Well when I have to get dressed, he helps me! Sometimes certain things require certain bras and somethings need to be worn with panties or a thong" I explained
"A thong, huh?" he gave me a cheeky grin and hovered over me
"Oh shut up" I blushed
"How about you paint me a picture of you in this item?" he smirked
"Better yet, why don't you wait until your about to enter me and take it off yourself?" I got closer to his face
"Oh dirty talker, I see" he bit his lip
"I'm wild when I have no responsibilities" I shugged
"Remind me to take care of everything for you" he smirked
We laid down and just talked calmly as he played with my hair.
"Your gonna be really disappointed in me" I buried my face into his chest
"Let me see them" he sighed
"I'm so sorry" I sniffled holding up my wrist
"No, I'm the person to be sorry" he took my wrist and kissed my wound
"I did it out of anger and I wasn't thinking" I sobbed
"Come here love, it's okay." He soothed me
"No it's not" I choked back
"Look at me" he forced me to make eye contact
"You are a broken and insecure girl who's smile convinces everyone your okay... I love the fact that you put on a brave face not to disappoint anyone. But I love you more because your hurting and trust me to fix you, it's nice to know I'm needed by someone" he kissed my knuckles
"Louis, I love you so much" I hugged him
"Now let's go to sleep so we only have five days to live until your birthday" he cuddled close to me and we both fell into a doze.
Authors note:
Sorry about this chapter guys, schools been crazy! Direct message me if you have any questions, compliments, suggestions.... Or hate! I need criticizing to make this story the best!
Love you all! Lizzy Lou!💋

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