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Rachel's POV

I went to the cafeteria and waited for SeungHyun to arrive.

I already bought our food. I knew he loved sushi so I bought it from the cafeteria and layed it on the table.

"I'm feeling kind of Japanese." He greeted me.

"Ya! You are-" I looked at my watch.

"10 minutes late." I frowned.

"The traffic." He shook his head.

"Let's eat!" I grinned happily.

"Thank you for the meal." He chuckled before drinking the miso soup.

"Are you free today?" I asked.

"No, I have to write songs today along with Jiyong." He said through his stuffed mouth.

"Yah! You're so disgusting."

He ignored me and continued eating.

"You have filming right?" He asked.

"Yeah, only for 10 days. I am the supporting character."

"You'll do well."

"You think so?" I asked.

"You're talented. Have you taken some acting classes?"

"Yeah, when I was a high school student."

"Oh, that's why. You're good, don't worry." He gave me a smile.

"I'll have to go at 3 to film." I said.

"I'll be done at 2.30. Want to come with me to the recording room?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." I grinned before going back to munch on my food.

The room was cold and dark but it gave off a relaxing vibe.

Teddy and GD were inside chatting and writing when we went in.

I greeted them and looked around the room.

"So, you're now a YG family huh?" Teddy asked.

"I guess so." I gave him an awkward smile.

"She's exactly like you described." GD told SeungHyun who looked as if he would kill him any minute.

"My friend here, has been talking non-stop about you, Rachel." GD teased.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"He said that you're funny, pretty and weird." GD laughed.

"I'm not weird." I turned to SeungHyun who looked shy suddenly.

"You are." He stated.

"No, I'm not! I think you're the weirder one."

"I agree!" GD high-fived me.

"I didn't bring you here to tease me." SeungHyun shook his head.

"Tell me about your history together." Teddy piped in.

And I did which SeungHyun looked even more embarrased.

And I enjoyed every moment of it. Teasing SeungHyun was just literally the best.

"Maybe we can write songs about both of your history." Jiyong suggested which Teddy agreed directly.

"Make the lyrics deep." I joked while eyeing SeungHyun who looked flustered.

Teddy and Jiyong were gathering ideas for their new songs along with SeungHyun who were grinning from ear to ear.

I looked at the paper that SeungHyun wrote on and it was so messy that I was not able to read properly. It seemed like he had a lot of ideas for the song.

We Meet Again (Top/ Choi Seung Hyun Fantiction)  completedWhere stories live. Discover now