20. My idiot

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Rachel's POV

Big bang was having their comeback so it was hard to spend time with SeungHyun as he was busy for most of the time.

My new drama that I had filmed with TaeHyun was also being released and it was slowly getting popular.

I had spent most of my time promting my drama and going several variety shows. I was interviewed everyday but I answered all the questions nonchalantly including the ones about SeungHyun.

I had to deny and kept my answer vague if it was about SeungHyun because our relationship was not being revealed to the public, it was just rumours.

I had a free schedule today so I just stayed home and enjoy my alone time.

My brother went home from dinner and he ruffled my hair as he smiled at me.

"Great drama! I totally ship you with, I forgot his name, is it TaeHyung or something." He said.

"He's just a friend." I retorted.

"Yeah I know, you're dating TOP of big bang." He rolled his eyes.

"Keep your volume down. I don't want dad to know." I whispered.

"Why? Because you know that we won't give you his blessing?"

I kept quiet.

Dinner was ready and everyone was already eating happily until dad started the conversation.

"Do you like TaeHyun?" My dad asked, looking at me.

"No. He's just a friend." I replied.

"Okay." Dad nodded as he ate his meal.

Well, that was not scary.

Maybe he was not as old-school as I thought he was. He had no objection about TaeHyun, maybe he would allow me to be with SeungHyun.

Mom was grinning happily as she ate because she knew about SeungHyun but thankfully, she kept quiet and did not utter a thing about SeungHyun.

Because I was not ready for the reaction of my dad.

My mom was totally fine about SeungHyun because she kept gushing about how handsome he was or how broad his shoulder was.

My dad was only the main problem. He was so strict about dating and it was no doubt the cause of my 28 year old brother who was still single.

Dad and mom were married because of business merging together, it may sound weird but it was normal when it came to our family.

Dad had suggested my brother about marriage but my brother refused to go on arranged dates with the 'selected' daughter from an 'acceptable' family. He said he was not ready for dating but I knew deep down, it was because he was not over  his ex girlfriend who he had to cut ties with because my dad did not approve of her, he said that she did not suit my brother which was bullshit. Dad just wanted my brother to marry some chaebol for 'merger'.

*chaebol means a rich family from the early generations in Korea.


I wore a black simple dress that showed my curves. My hair was perfectly styled and my makeup was done professionaly by Hyeri. Everyhting was perfect because today was the day of the Baeksang awards.

Almost every celebrity in Korea attend this ceremony to recieve awards.

I walked on the red carpet as the never ending flashes of the camera blinded my eyes.

I blinked several times before making my way to stand for pictures. Yoon Ah was beside me but I just pretended to not know about it.

As I was walking, Yoon Ah grabbed my wrist and pushed me to the corner. She gave me a look before sighing.

"I'm sorry." She muttered before I could respond to it, she rolled her eyes, sighed, and walked away.

Well, it was shocking but at least she had the morality to actually apologise for her actions.

I sat on one of the chairs with TaeHyun beside me. I flashed him a smile and he returned it awkwardly. It was because of that incident that he had to unwillingly confessed to me in order to explain for Yoon Ah's action.

The ceremony started when the clapping of the celebrities were audible.

The 2 MCs went to the stage and started presenting. Idols were performing on stage and after a few more performance, the award started.

The celebrities who received the awards were smilling from ear to ear and the room kept erupting with applause to congratulate the winners.

"And the rising rookie actress goes to,

"Kim Rachel!" The room erupted with applause as I nervously stood up from my seat and went to the stage.

My heart was beating so fast, I could not hear other voices.

As I recieved my award, I went to the standing mic and made my speech.

"I would like to thank YG, for believing in me. My manager and my make-up artists for making this possible and for cheering my up, everyday. To all the actors, directors and staffs who I had worked with, it would not be possible with you guys. To my family, thank you for allowing me to be in the entertainment industry and for supporting me since day one, to the person who was named idiot in my contact, thank you for everything and lastly, my fans, thank you for the unlimited support that you gave me and for believing in me. This is for you!" I smiled and bowed before returning  to my seat.

I hope SeungHyun heard it.

Idiot is for him and he would always be my idiot.

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