Chapter 7

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I wake up with the sound of people moving and the wheels of their suitcases rolling on the floor...this is it, i guess we just arrived. Its still a bit surreal to me, how come a girl from such a small town in Canada is moving to he big los Angeles. It's incredible. i get up and take my suitcase and get out of the plane. Well it took me 10 freaking minutes because people are slow.

As i have my first look at the airport my father arrives clearly looking pleased to be in LA, i mean i don't blame him. I am too. We both go to pick our suitcases from the airport's treadmill thing. We arrived outside and it was literally a fight to get a taxi to take us to our new home, but we did it!

As i look at the window millions of toughs go trough my head:

How much i'm going to miss my mum and friends.

How big this city is and beautiful.

How much work i have to do after this.

But i want to have fun too.

How does the house look like?

Where is it?

I am such a dork.

Shaking my head to get rid of these toughs "Dad, where is the house located at?" i say questioningly..."Hmm, in... " he looks at a paper that he was holding the whole taxi ride.. "In Calabasas" he says smiling...well that didn't really made any difference because I have no idea what the heck that is, but that's just me you know, the self intelligent me.

The taxi stops moving and i look out the window and there's this huge fancy and there's a...wait a porter...what?! "Dad what is this?! Are we living in mansion or something" i said laughing"Yes..." he said making me almost spit my surprised inside now..."What!?Really?, why?" i say feeling quite excited at the moment.

"Well because this new offer gives us all of this, the House belongs to our company, so we don't really pay for it, i mean....we do but this is like a huge condominium of mansions and everybody around here knows each other..." he says with a smile on his face"Well...everyone no, but there's 4 sections in here, A, B, C, and D...everyone for each sections knows each other...its like 10 houses per section of the condominium" he said getting out of the car to take our suitcases and go to our new MANSION in this private condominium....what!? wow.....

Whilst my dad talks to the porter i take a look at this amazing place that i am about to live feels like a dream.

"Okay honey, let's go" the gate opens reviling a large path with 2 fountains on each side and a lot of flowers..."Our section is section....D, is the last one." he says as we walk.." Wow great we will have to this walk everyday to reach our own house...." i said feeling slightly exhausted...

"No, no then you can get in with your car..." i stoped and looked at him..."MY car?" my dad just smiled" of course, do you though i would let you live in LA without having your own car, this is not stratford, you need a car to go shopping or bascially to go, anywhere" he said making me smile at the though of having my own car.

We arrived section D, everything looks so amazing in here...There's a lot of houses in this section about....8 i think. They are all absolutely giant so we have to walk a lot to arrive ours that is next to a giant house. We can't see much because the fence is very big but it's easy to see that it's big, white and fancy. That's it! I look at the house next it knowing that its mine and my jaw just drops. Its so b e a u t i f u l.

"Dad..." i say coming out like a whisper/gasp and we get inside.

Everything is absolutely amazing. My room is so cozy full of lights and i have a giant closet even tho its not really something that means a lot to me...and the rest of the house is just wow. The view from my bedroom window is amazing. Is actually my neighbours house but the house is full of lights so...

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I reached the wood bawl and grabbed a apple. "Honey, just to warn you that apparently some famous people live around here...i don't know who...they just warned me so that we don't freak out or something." he said looking back at the TV.."Oh okay, that's cool, doesn't really surprise me by the size of this houses." i say smiling at him....

" i think that i'm going for a walk outside..."i said "Okay hun, but its dark outside its already 8pm and dinner is almost ready..." he said not looking at me" Don't worry i'll be back in time.." i said getting up and grabbing my jacket to put above my shorts and white shirt that i was wearing...

Everyhting looks so starstrucking around here, no one's outside... As i was walking around a white ferrari pulled over in front of that house next to mine, i knew this people were rich, or famous or both. I didn't look at the person who was getting out because that would seem quite creepy and i couldn't see because of the darkness...a figure of a boy got out...

"Good night" he said" Oh, hey good night" i said being polite, that was obviously what he was being, and he got inside his house.

I walked for like 10 minutes just to see about what its like around here and i discovered 8 things, okay:

There's a indoor pool for the section, so its public

A gym and a spa next to it

A playroom

A beautiful garden

All the mail from the houses arrives at our house so i basically will have to be a postwoman.great.

There's a boy who lives next to us that is relatively young to live in a place like this

There's a bar/disco

I love it here!

"I'm home dad" i said" Great 'cause dinner is ready..." he said seating down as i do the same....

I tell him everything i know about this place including the post woman thing and he made me be the one to do it everyday....I'm loving it here, is like i'm on vacation.... I hope i'll have some good memories in here.

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