Chapter 9

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He forgot. He forgot about me. I can't believe this. Nothing that I wouldn't have expected but I never though it would hurt this much. He looked at him with a confused look, just like Selena did. Really, don't blame them, there's a creepy girl, on the door looking at Justin with a hurt look not answering or saying a word. He is Famous. I was just another piece of his history. This Story that now is bigger than his past. I'm nothing. If I meant something he would've remember. I though I was something to him at least. He used to tell me that I was his everything when we were 13...he used to say that he trusted me like he didn't trust anyone else...he used to hug me, kiss my cheek, smile at me and love me like nobody did. He used to make me feel alive when I felt like dying...he used to fix the pieces when I was broken... I wasn't broken for a while, but now, he broke me. I couldn't feel anything, I froze..the only thing that I was feeling was a couple of tears streaming down my face, I couldn't see them anymore, now I just see memories. Loads of those. I see flowers turning into this, this awful reality I was afraid of living. Should I run? Should I hide? Should I just slap him in the face and blame him for making me think I was important...How can he look at me like I'm SOMEONE.... In a matter of 5 minutes I came back to my senses I looked at the floor for a while, seeing all these tears hitting the floor in slow motion...I was messing up his carpet but now I don't give a fuck...but I wasn't mad I was hurt, so hurt I could feel pain in my heart... I breathe and finally look at him....he was still looking at me confused and Selena was even more... "Are you okay?" he says.... in that moment I wanted to hide can he? how...why....I don't deserve this..not this. "No" i menage to say but it comes out more like a whisper.... "You want to come in and have a glass of water or something?" Selena says being extremely kind...I wanted to say yes because she was a very nice person. But this doesn't fell right, neither wrong, It's all messed up. Is he going to remember me someday? Maybe...give him time...while I just let myself get broken slowly as I watch everything that was my life wash away.

I finally talk "You forgot..." that's all I say...."Me?" Justin says pointing at himself..."You..." he looked even more confused.... "Are you a fan or something.." that one hurt me bad...I looked down shaking my head..."How could you?.." I say looking at him in the eyes..."I'm sorry, I don't know who you are, if you explain...I mean I don't understand what is this all sorry...I guess" he says nervously... "Don't say sorry... "I say handing Selena the other letters "Bye...." I say, but right I was about to walk away I turn around...I look at my hand, I take the ring and hand him the heart ring he once gave me... I look at his hand grabbing that object shaking and suddenly I see a tear falling and envolving the whole ring in slow motion, I look at him... He was looking at the ring, he then looks up and had several tears rolling down his cheeks... He paused for a moment.

"F-F-Faith?" he says.....I just look at him stil crying and nod. He has a shocked/sad/regret look...

"That's me, but you don't don't remember me because I am just another girl in your life. I remember you saying "I will always care about you, I will call you, I won't forget you, I don't care how hard I'll have to try but you will always be in my heart" You promised you wouldn't forget about your stupid friend...if even that....but you d-d-did..." I say now sobbing... He was sobbing with me... he took a few steps closer looking into my eyes and then finally wrapped his arms around me like never before, like we were one. So tight I couldn't even breathe but I don't care I did the same hugging him closer and closer... After long minutes we both broke apart and he finally speaks "I didn't forget, you were everyday in my dreams, I've always missed you, you are a part of me, my life wasn't reality anymore was just.....A Dream Of You."

That one took me off guard, I just smiled and hugged him again "I missed you..." I whisper..." I know,  I missed you so much too..."

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