7;"-your the biggest bone head out there"

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"ANYONE HOME"I yell before closing the front door.

"Hey ace"

"Dad?what are you doing home so early?"

"I promised your uncle that I will help him work on his car"

"Why can't he can't call a mechanic?"

"Because I know how to do it"

"But you know what they say daddy,"I start."if your good at something,you don't do it for free"

He laughs."well Acey,this is my brother"

I grab a granola bar from the counter."you see,your cursed with a good heart.If it was me I would be doing that for Alex.Rather much spend my time sleeping"

"Your a jerk"

"And your a bone head"

"I am not!"

"Face it,Alex.your the biggest bone head out there.the bonest of all heads."I hear my dad laugh a little at this.


"Come on,get in the car."

"Where is she going?"

"None of your business."

"I'm taking her to a friends house,to work on her science project."

Everything's falling in place.its like the universe wanted me to go to Josh's house.The universe wanted me to find love.

"Where's mom?"

"She's at your friends house,getting ready for some meeting."

"He's not my friend,dad"

"But you and Kenny are best friends"

"I am not his best friend"

"She stopped being his friend because she's in highschool,"Alex teases.

"Butt out,bonehead."

"Screw you."


Neither one of us say word.

"Daddy I-"

"-your staying home"


They both look at me.

My So Called Life[SEBASTIAN STAN]Where stories live. Discover now