Chapter 7- rude mood

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"Thanks for walking me home." I smiled at Dean.

"No problem. It was nice."

"But you're going to have to walk a long way to go home. If I could drive, I would offer you a lift home." I said.

"I-" He started but stopped. "It doesn't matter, I can always walk-- home." He said unsurely,

"Do you know where it is?" I joked.

His face paled and the smile on my face immediately disappeared.

"Are you okay?" I asked stupidly. I touched his shoulder in concern.

Then I saw the hard no emotion face he had before he confessed his feelings to me.

"I'm fine. Just leave it." He snapped.

I flinched my hand away from him and went into my house.

"I'm sorry." I heard him quietly say before I shut the door.

What was up with him?

"Welcome home." My dad greeted me.

"Thanks?" I opened the fridge searching for more food. "You're home early today"

"Are you disappointed?" My dad faked hurt.

"No, I'm just surprised." I said after settling for a bucket of ice cream.

"I'm going out tonight." He said staring intently at me.

"To work?" I asked with my mouth full of ice cream

"Um- no."

"No?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm going out... with a girl?" He told me as if asking me.

"Oh, so like a date?" I said clearly surprised.

"Yeah. if that's okay, if you want me home it's okay I can cancel it but-"

"It's okay, go have fun." I smiled at him.

"Thanks. I have to get ready now." He said letting out a breath.

I went online to search the lyrics for the song Mr M told me to practice.

I sang silently in my head and the song was definitely a tear jerker.

I finished off the last of the ice cream and went downstairs to see my dad about to leave the door.

"Good luck." I called out.

"I'm going to need it." He said coming over to me to give a hug.

"You look great, I'm sure she'll appreciate it." I hugged back.

"Thanks. See you later."


"Hey baby sis." James said through the phone.

"Hi." I sighed.

"What's up?"

"The sky." I replied snorting slightly.

"You know what I mean." He said impatiently

"It could be worse and it could be better."

"Tell your big brother all about it."

"I-- listen. There's a boy-"

"Of course there is. Isn't there always?"

"Shut up." then I told him about what Dean had confessed to me and about how confuse I was. Then I told him about Dean's bipolar attitude towards me.

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